2021-12-13 09:01:51 1.66MB 5g
随着第四代移动通信系统(The fourth generation mobile communication system,4G)长期演进技术(Long term evolution,LTE)在全球商用的成功展开和移动数据的爆发式增长,对第五代移动通信系统(The fifth generation mobile communication system,5G)的研发提上日程。本文首先分析了5G发展的两个驱动力,介绍了国际电联(International telecommunication union,ITU)对5G标准化的规划和最新进展,总结了通信业界与学术界公认的5G关键技术,并对其中的无线网络相关技术,超密集蜂窝(Ultra dense cellular network,UDN)和集中式蜂窝架构的研究进行了深入的分析介绍。最后总结了5G的发展趋势和未来的研究动向。
2021-12-12 14:34:34 872KB 5G
Previous generations of mobile networks enabled voice, data, video, and other life-changing services. In comparison, 5G will change our society by opening up the telecom ecosystem to vertical industries. 5G will help vertical industries to achieve the “Internet of Everything” vision of ubiquitously connected, highly reliable, ultra-low latency services for massive number of devices. Service-guaranteed network slicing introduced in this white paper is one of the essential features for 5G to achieve this vision. Key players from operators, vendors, and vertical industries have come together to establish a common understanding on service-guaranteed network slicing in terms of the vision, end-to end (E2E) solution, key enabling technologies, and the impacts for vertical industries. This white paper describes the thinking on network slicing in 5G
2021-12-11 20:19:49 1.43MB 5G 白皮书
2021-12-11 18:40:00 412KB 通信 5G
是中国联通的培训资料,介绍5G网络技术及网络的相关知识 5G网络技术特点 5G网络架构 5G网络对承载网需求
2021-12-11 18:24:48 3.97MB 5G 网络架构
2021 5G行业模组分级分类白皮书
2021-12-10 20:01:20 2.46MB 5G行业模组分级分类白皮书 2021
2021-12-10 20:01:19 1.32MB
2021 5G商业模式创新发展白皮书(第一期).pdf
2021-12-10 20:01:19 4.87MB
2021-12-10 20:01:18 1.46MB
2021 5G安全知识库
2021-12-10 18:00:05 3.25MB 5G安全知识库