2019-12-21 19:49:14 9.45MB 考试 远程控制 现场打分
The "RCS Commander" (RCS = Remote Control System) tool supports you in your day-to-day work with SINUMERIK solution line control systems. The "RCS Commander" tool makes it easy to manage files on your PC and on SINUMERIK solution line control systems. The "RCS Commander" tool offers the following functions: Exchanging data between the SINUMERIK and your PC. Generating and restoring an image from the CompactFlash Card of your control system to save data. Writing images to a CompactFlash Card. Loading commissioning files directly to the control system and from the control system to your PC. This function is used to support commissioning. Managing the control system's NC data. You can copy files directly from the PC to the NC and from the NC to the PC. Monitoring processes and remote control of the SINUMERIK via a remote control function. Saving the control system's current HMI view as a screen on your PC. This function is used to represent your control system and improves support in the event of an error. Editing the following user files in the OFFLINE mode on the PC: PLC alarm texts (oem_alarms_plc) Cycle alarm texts (oem_alarms_cycles) Part program messages (oem_partprogram_messages) EasyScreen files Tool management texts EasyExtend files (oem_aggregate) Maintenance planner files (oem_maintenance) Managing user files with the following options: Creating a project OFFLINE. Create a project, which automatically copied the files from the control. Copy individual files using project dialog to the control system or copy from the control system into the project. Delete user files using project dialog on the control
2019-12-21 19:45:26 16.51MB SIEMENS 840dsl 远程控制
附件中的代码,在安信可测试板上通过单片机运行AI-CLOUD 安信可云协议,完成用AT固件的方式开发,从SMARTLINK 到 设备与手机绑定,以及数据的双向收发 功能,本程序可以移植到STM8的1元单片机中,配合内含安信可云协议的AT固件模块(价格不变),即可实现低成本的各类平台应用方案!
2019-12-21 19:44:13 20.63MB ESP-07S 安信可 云控制
任务:实现一个简单远程监控软件,采用Windows Socket(或Java Socket)编程。采用C/S架构。应该具有易用、美观的图形界面。 客户端功能要求: (1)能够远程监控一台主机,显示主机屏幕内容,能远程关机 (2)能远程下载或上传文件。 (3)能远程执行一些DOS命令。 (4)能远程运行一些可执行命令。 具体实现要求:至少实现其中三个功能。
2019-12-21 19:43:07 11.92MB 远程控制
P2P方式连接其他电脑,穿透内网,两个在不通地方的机器之间可以直接连接。不需要对方有公网IP。 远程协助组件SDK 4.06支持剪切板文字复制粘帖。 新版简化了文件传输,可直接从远程复制粘帖到本地文件,拖动本地文件到远程指定目录。二次开发更简单。
2019-12-21 19:42:13 870KB P2P远程桌面
gh0st3.6工具源码 win7下 x64环境 vs2013编译通过 可调试运行
2019-12-21 19:42:02 45.98MB gh0st vs2013 远程控制
2019-12-21 19:35:24 6.07MB C# VNC 远程屏幕共享 远程控制
java自带的java.net.*和java.awt.robot.* 的混合可以用于实现通过网络对另一台计算机的远程控制,其中包括控制远程计算机鼠标的动作和键盘的输入,可以教大家如何掌握这个技术。
2019-12-21 19:32:40 53KB 远程控制
里面是我收集的4款C#远程控制源码,非常有参考价值 2分绝对值!! 全是c# 源程序。 不是编译好的!!
2019-12-21 19:24:41 6.97MB c#远程控制源码(合集)