Reflector8 最强大的反编译工具,能一字不差地将exe或dll反编译出原始代码. 附带crack工具
2019-12-21 19:53:07 9.92MB Reflector 反编译 .net redgate
包含qt完整的工程目录以及原始的一份控制台源码。代码有问题可以评论。 1、实验目的 通过一个简单多用户文件系统的设计,加深理解文件系统的内部功能及内部实现。 2、实验内容 为linux系统设计一个简单的二级文件系统。要求做到以下几点: (1)可以实现下列几条命令(至少4条); login 用户登陆 dir 列文件目录 create 创建文件 delete 删除文件 open 打开文件 close 关闭文件 read 读文件 write 写文件 (2)列目录时要列出文件名、物理地址、保护码和文件长度; (3)源文件可以进行读写保护。 3、实验提示 (1)首先应确定文件系统的数据结构:主目录、子目录及活动文件等。主目录和子目录都以文件的形式存放于磁盘,这样便于查找和修改。 (2)用户创建的文件,可以编号存储于磁盘上。如file0,file1,file2...并以编号作为物理地址,在目录中进行登记。
2019-12-21 19:52:33 1.64MB QT C/C++ 大作业 文件系统
2019-12-21 19:49:22 1.5MB 肌电数据
接收原始RAW 图像数据并将其转换为位图,
2019-12-21 19:47:19 1.33MB RAW 位图
2019-12-21 19:39:43 15.79MB Fisherface LDA matlab 源代码
用DICOM VIEWer浏览器,浏览影像原始文件,压缩包内有3个超声源文件。
2019-12-21 19:39:34 479KB DICOM
绝对有效破解OFFICE EXCEL 2007 以上工作表保护密码。
2019-12-21 19:37:25 14KB 工作表密码
本文使用windows sockets 的原始套接字实现IP数据包的捕获与解析,有详细的设计过程,并附有源代码,源代码中有注释。
2019-12-21 19:37:19 146KB winsock IP数据包 捕获 原始套接字
2019-12-21 19:36:37 28.59MB 吴恩达 机器学习 学习笔记 原始讲义
this packet codes are about primal dual algorithms for image processing such as image denoising based on ROF model and TV-L1 and Huber ROF, image restoration like deconvolution, image zooming, image inpainting,optical flow for motion estimation and Mumford-Shah multi-label image segmentation problem. these codes are base on the following paper,"a first-order primal-dual algorithm for convex problems with application to imaging", and are organized corresponding to the structure of this paper, therefore these codes are what so-called sample codes of this paper, so they are really convenient to learn and to use. to use them, what you need to do is just to open a folder, and run the corresponding .m file, then you will collect the processing result. to understand these codes,you are recommended to read the paper first, in this case, you can get a better comprehension about these codes. and before you use them, you are also recommended first to read the instructions included in the zip packet,because in all the codes,the primal variables and dual variables are both vectorized which are different from the general situations. if you have any questions about these codes,don't hesitate to contact me via email: Pock, Chen, enjoy them,and good luck with you.