2022-06-29 09:06:46 5.01MB 数据结构
Visual Basic Virtual Machine (5.1) Visual Basic Virtual Machine (6.0) Microsoft C Runtime Library 2002 (7.0.9975.0) Microsoft C Runtime Library 2003 (7.10.6119.0) Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 SP1(8.0.61187)M icrosoft Visual C++ 2008 SP1(9.0.30729.7523) Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 SP1(10.0.40219.473) Microsoft Visual C++ 2012 UP4(11.0.61135.400) Microsoft Visual C++ 2013(12.0.40664.0) Microsoft Visual C++ 2019(14.28.29213.0)(WinXP) Microsoft Visual C++2015-2022(14.32.31326.0)(Win7~10)Microsoft Univers
2022-06-28 21:00:54 76.59MB windows 微软
QHierarchy is an editor extension that adds several often used functions to hierarchy window: - Displaying the icon of a GameObject - Showing / hiding a GameObject - Locking / unlocking a GameObject - Prevent selection of locked GameObject - Displaying tag and layer of a GameObject - Displaying color label for a GameObject - Displaying the icon of MonoBehaviour script attached to a GameObject - GameObject can be showed / hidden only for edit-time, and the visibility state will return during play-time - Displaying the number of children of a GameObject - Displaying the number of vertices and triangles of the GameObject (can display the number including all children) - Change the colors of icons and labels - Displaying custom icon for any layer - Displaying custom icon for any tag - Displaying prefab connection status - Displaying static flags icon of GameObject - Displaying the error icon (MonoBehaviour script missing / Reference property is null / String property is empty / Callback of event is missing) - Displaying icons of all scripts that attached to a GameObject - Showing / hiding wireframe objects - Enable / Disable MeshRenderer - Order of icons can be changed - Displaying the list of GameObjects in the form of a tree - Option to add right indent (useful if you use other plugins that add another icons to the hierarchy window) - Any feature can be disabled - Source Code Included. Website | Documentation | Contacts Compatible with Unity 4.6.0+ / 5.0.1+ / 2017.1+ / 2018.1+
2022-06-28 13:45:18 350KB Unity3d Unity插件 QHierarchy Unity
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2022-06-28 08:21:02 2.25MB 网络软件
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2022-06-27 19:08:22 48.83MB 小米