用户信息 在PHP中获取客户端信息(客户端的IP地址,操作系统,浏览器名称,设备类型) 初始化 include ( 'UserInfo.php' ); //Or Use Require function require ( 'UserInfo.php' ); 方法 get_ip() 如果要获取客户端IP地址,请使用此方法,此方法将返回客户端IP地址 例 require ( 'user_info.php' ); echo UserInfo :: get_ip () get_OS() 如果要获取客户端操作系统名称,请使用此方法,此方法将返回客户端操作系统 例 require ( 'user
2021-11-17 14:33:10 3KB php web server developer-tools
Xcode Treasures: Master the Tools to Design, Build, and Distribute Great Apps By 作者: Chris Adamson ISBN-10 书号: 1680505866 ISBN-13 书号: 9781680505863 Edition 版本: 1 出版日期: 2018-11-01 pages 页数: (386) Learn the critical tips and techniques to make using Xcode for the iPhone, iPad, or Mac easier, and even fun. Explore the features and functionality of Xcode you may not have heard of. Go under the hood to discover how projects really work, so when they stop working, you’ll know how to fix them. Explore the common problems developers face when using Xcode, and find out how to get the most out of your IDE. Dig into Xcode, and you’ll discover it’s richer and more powerful than you might have thought. Get a huge productivity boost by working with Xcode instead of against it. Instead of hacky code fixes and manual processes, once you know the the why and how of Xcode’s process, you’ll discover that doing things Xcode’s way makes your app development more elegant and less aggravating. Explore the major features of Xcode: project management, building UIs with storyboards, code editing, compiling apps, fixing bugs and performance problems, unit- and UI testing, and source code management. Go beyond the basics and explore tasks that professionals deal with when they’re working on big projects. Create storyboards that many developers can work on at once, even as projects grow to hundreds or thousands of files. Find the tools that make the code editor pleasant to work with, even in long coding sessions. Discover the right way to find and fix bugs when you have lots of code that’s not always playing nicely together.Dig into specific and little-discussed features that help developers on Apple’s other platforms: macOS, watchOS, and tvOS. When you’re ready to distribute your app, learn how Apple’s code-signing system really works. Find out when to let Xcode handle it automatically, and how to do it manually when needed. Discover how much easier and more fun iOS development is when you kn
2021-11-16 22:25:49 15.04MB Network
2021-11-16 15:29:18 8.7MB MATLAB 教程
在环境为Windows 64,VS2019的环境编译。将dll中的文件复制至c盘Windows/SysWOW64中,将其中的include,lib添加到vs环境中即可使用
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ct值的计算代码matlab 用于 MATLAB:registered: 的 DICOM 操作工具 马克·格尔茨版权所有 :copyright: 2016,威斯康星大学董事会 用于 MATLAB 的 DICOM 操作工具是读取和写入 DICOM RT 文件的函数的编译。 这些工具用于各种应用程序,包括 、 和 。 MATLAB 是 MathWorks Inc. 的注册商标。 内容 安装使用 要安装 DICOM 操作工具,请将此存储库中的所有 MATLAB .m 文件复制到您的 MATLAB 路径中。 如果作为子模块安装到另一个 git 存储库中,请执行git submodule add https://github.com/mwgeurts/dicom_tools 。 兼容性和要求 DICOM 操作工具已在 Macintosh OSX 10.8 (Mountain Lion) 到 10.10 (Yosemite) 上针对 MATLAB 8.3 到 8.5 版进行了验证。 这些工具使用图像处理工具箱 MATLAB 函数dicominfo() 、 dicomread()和dicomwrite()来读取和写入提供的 DICOM 目标
2021-11-15 16:52:26 53KB 系统开源
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Geometric Tools for Computer Graphics 图形学领域的经典几何工具书,包含非常多的算法(英文版)
2021-11-14 10:20:38 5.1MB 三维算法
Hamibot技巧总结 BlockEngines 工具 使用场景: 在写校园集结号报平安脚本的时候,报平安界面,点击我要报平安按钮,弹出选择口号和 选择提问的选项,但是主线程脚本获取到的体温控件位置超出了屏幕范围,经过不断地尝试, 发现执行另外一个脚本能获取到正常的坐标位置,原方法使用了engines.exeScript()方法, 启动另一个脚本,在这里函数可以看作另一个脚本。但是,两个脚本是异步执行,没有说是 子脚本启动了,主线程脚本就阻塞了,我们有时候是需要阻塞的,那么可以使用BlockEngines BlockEngines属于伪阻塞,可以使用BlockEngines同时启动多个子脚本。按顺序执行 大家可以去写一下校园集结号上报界面自动选择口号和体温的功能。不过脚本要从点击我要上报按钮开始写! 示例源码 点击阅读源码: 使用步骤: 引入BlockEngines var BlockEn
2021-11-13 09:14:43 282KB JavaScript