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2022-03-30 01:30:27 359.13MB VMware Esxi 6.7 standard-customi
2022-03-29 09:20:49 5.14MB UDS 诊断协议 汽车电子电路 ISO
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2022-03-28 23:18:11 560.54MB windows xp X64
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2022-03-28 10:59:49 1.12MB 101规约
2022-03-27 22:07:06 43KB ISO
本规范规定了在860兆赫-960兆赫的频率范围内操作的无源反向散射、 询问机讲话优先(ITF)和射频识别(RFID)系统要求。系统由询问器即通常所说的读出器和标签组成。通过在860兆赫-960兆赫的频率范围内调制射频信号,询问机将信息传输给标签。标签是无源的,这意味着他们是从询问机的射频波形接收所有操作能量。询问机通过向标签发送连接波(CW)射频信号,接收从标签发来的信息。标签通过调制天线的反射系统作出响应,由此将信息信号反射散射全询问机。系统为ITF,这意味着标签只有在由询问机给予指示后才能用信息信号调制天线反射系数。询问机和标签都无需同时通话,当然,通讯是半双工通讯 ,这意味着询问机讲而标签听,或相反。本规范主要规定了四类无线射频标识(RFID)的基本类(第1类)
2022-03-27 16:50:25 959KB RFID ISO标准 18000-6C
2022-03-26 12:00:04 65KB dmg2img mac iso
ISO 27007 标准Information technology — Security techniques — Guidelines for information security management systems auditing Introduction this Standard ISO 19011 Guidelines for quality and/or environmental management systems auditing is an International Standard which provides guidance on the principles of auditing, managing audit programmes, conducting quality management system audits and environmental management system audits, as well as guidance on the competence of quality and environmental management system auditors. If organizations want to conduct internal or external audits of Information Security Management Systems (ISMS) in accordance with ISO/IEC 27001:2005, some additional guidance to the standard ISO 19011 are necessary and are provided by this International Standard. The text in this International Standard follows the structure of ISO 19011, and the additional ISMS-specific guidance on the application of ISO 19011 for ISMS audits are identified by the letters “IS”. This International Standard provides guidance on the management of audit programmes, the conduct of internal or external audits of ISMSs, as well as on the competence and evaluation of auditors. It is intended to apply to a broad range of potential users, including auditors, organizations implementing ISMSs, organizations needing to conduct audits of ISMSs, and organizations involved in auditor certification or training, in certification/registration of management systems, in accreditation or in standardization in the area of conformity assessment.
2022-03-26 01:17:50 60KB ISO27007
AnyToISO 是一个镜像文件创建转换工具,能够创建CD/DVD/蓝光光盘,本地文件夹的镜像,支持将BIN, MDF, PDI, CDI, NRG, B5I, IMG, DAA, UIF CD/DVD-ROM等镜像文件转成我们都熟悉的ISO格式,还可以提取任何网上能找到的CD/DVD镜像文件.很多程序只能创建自身格式的镜像文件,例如,要烧录一个网上找到的NRG镜像,您需要安装Nero程序,而通过使用AnyToISO,您可以将这些格式的镜像转换成ISO格式,以便装载到Parallels/VMWare虚拟机或烧录它. AnyToISO 特点: 转换或提取网上找到的所有流行CD/DVD/Blue-ray 镜像为ISO格式 创建CD/DVD/Blue-ray光盘的ISO 镜像 创建本地文件夹的ISO 镜像 提取所有类型的ISO镜像 提取 DMG 文件 (Apple 磁盘镜像文件) 提取 DEB 和 RPM Linux 镜像 支持命令行 (批处理模式) Windows 和 Mac 两个版本可用,各取所需 AnyToISO 截图:
2022-03-26 01:03:35 8.17MB 系统工具-其它工具