android城市选择控件 选择当前城市以及热门城市 选择历史城市。可以选择省或者市。
2023-04-13 19:15:39 20.74MB android 城市选择
这是一个很多很多人都 会遇到的问题,我也试过了很多方法,都不怎么好用。 比如: 代码如下: System.exit(0); 不行。 还有什么跳转到第一个activity,同时把栈顶的activity全部清除,最后再finish();还是不行。。不知道为什么。 这里是我自己的一个方法,效果非常好。 原理:在每个activity都注册一个广播接收器,用来接收关闭activity的广播。当需要退出程序的时候就发送一条关闭activity的广播,这样所有的activity都会接收到,然后所有activity都会自己finish了。 代码如下: package com.example.exitsy
2023-04-13 17:47:55 40KB act activity AND
2023-04-13 15:12:43 1.27MB android
android 之Spinner下拉菜单实现级联,需要的朋友可以参考一下
2023-04-13 15:07:10 99KB 下拉菜单 Spinner
C盘空间严重不足 首先博主的笔记本环境:Windows 10 | Android Studio 3.5 博主今天发现自己笔记本的C盘剩下不足1G,连微信PC端都使用不了。情急之下,博主卸载了几个安装在C盘的软件,但发现效果甚微,因为C盘不足10G的时候其实还是会引起系统卡顿或者很多软件功能无法使用的问题。因此,博主点进C盘去一探究竟,看看到底是哪个“捣蛋鬼”占用了我的宝贵C盘空间。 然后在“C:/用户/linch”目录下发现了.android和.gradle两个隐藏文件夹: 然后右键查看每个文件夹的占用空间大小,吓了我一跳: 这里说明一下,因为.android文件夹下的9个G主要就是这个
2023-04-13 14:55:28 270KB AND android dl
2023-04-13 13:23:17 1.29MB 徐守威 状态栏通知 notification
2023-04-13 09:56:26 136KB Android PDF
2023-04-13 09:26:39 1.11MB Android源代码 安卓应用源码
Mark L. Murphy, "The Busy Coder's Guide to Android Development, Version 8.6" English | June 2017 | ISBN: 0981678009 | 4545 pages | PDF | 79.63 MB The Busy Coder's Guide to Android Development for Android Studio 2.2, covering the Android SDK through 7.1. Do you want current information about how to develop Android apps? This book covers the latest Android Studio version and the latest version of Android, plus all the information you need to get your apps working on older devices. This book contains over 200 chapters, covering everything from the first steps in getting an app going to advanced development techniques. The core chapters — representing ~900 pages — are set up as a typical programming guide, covering the basics of getting an Android app up and running. The book includes material on setting up your development tools, constructing a user interface, loading data from a local database or the Internet, handling the differences between phones and tablets, and much more. The core chapters also include an integrated set of 18 tutorials, offering you step-by-step guides for creating an Android application from scratch. Hence, whether you "learn by reading" or "learn by doing", you have the material in the core chapters to accomplish your goal. The rest of the book comprises the trails. These are linked sets of chapters covering advanced topics, organized by theme. However, while the core chapters are designed to be read in sequence, the trails are designed to be read on an as-needed basis, when you want to dive into those specific topics.
2023-04-13 01:13:16 79.63MB Android
Android Programming The Big Nerd Ranch Guide (2nd Edition) PDF版+EPUB版+案例源码
2023-04-13 01:01:12 46.68MB Android Nerd Ranch Guide