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[2013] Functional Programming Patterns in Scala and Clojure - Write Lean Programs for the JVM.(Michael Bevilacqua-Linn).[1937785475].pdf+epub.rar [2014] Clojure Cookbook - Recipes for Functional Programming.(Luke VanderHart, Ryan Neufeld).[1449366171].pdf+epub.rar [2014] Clojure for Machine Learning.(Akhil Wali).[1783284358].pdf+epub.rar [2014] Mastering Clojure Data Analysis.(Eric Rochester).[1783284137].pdf+epub.rar [2014] Mastering Clojure Macros - Write Cleaner, Faster, Smarter Code.(Colin Jones).[1941222226].pdf [2014] The Joy of Clojure, 2nd Edition.(Michael Fogus, Chris Houser).[1617291412].pdf [2014] Web Development with Clojure - Build Bulletproof Web Apps with Less Code.(Dmitri Sotnikov).[1937785645].pdf+epub.rar [2015] Clojure Applied - From Practice to Practitioner.(Ben Vandgrift, Alex Miller).[1680500740].pdf [2015] Clojure Data Analysis Cookbook, 2nd Edition.(Eric Rochester).[1784390291].pdf+epub.rar [2015] Clojure Data Structures and Algorithms Cookbook.(Rafik Naccache).[1785281453].pdf [2015] Clojure for Data Science.(Henry Garner).[1784397180].pdf [2015] Clojure High Performance Programming, 2nd Edition.(Shantanu Kumar).[1785283642].pdf+epub.rar [2015] Clojure Reactive Programming - How to Develop Concurrent and Asynchronous Applications with Clojure.(Leonardo Borges).[1783986662].pdf
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精品PPT课件179页13课时 《全国青少年机器人技术等价考试四级》
2022-01-03 16:52:47 33.49MB 青少年机器人等级考试四级
代码主要主要研究的配电网优化,具体为配电网中的最优潮流优化,但是与基础的最优潮流方法不同,本文在动态最优潮流优化的过程中考虑的配电网更加丰富,考虑了风电、CB、SVG以及OLTC等设备,更加具有代表性,同时潮流的求解方法采用二阶锥方法,构建了SOCP模型,求解效率大大增加,代码提供讲解视频;仿真平台:MATLAB YALMIP+CPLEX
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Navicat premium是一款数据库管理工具,是一个可多重连线资料库的管理工具,它可以让你以单一程式同时连线到 MySQL、SQLite、Oracle 及 PostgreSQL 资料库,让管理不同类型的资料库更加的方便。 安装完成之后,终端,然后输入以下命令:sudo spctl --master-disable来打开允许任何来源,要不然无法运行,会提示文件损坏!!!
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