L. Vandenberghe and S. Boyd SIAM Review, 38(1): 49-95, March 1996. An earlier version, with the name Positive Definite Programming, appeared in Mathematical Programming, State of the Art, J. Birge and K. Murty, editors, pp.276-308, 1994. In semidefinite programming we minimize a linear function subject to the constraint that an affine combination of symmetric matrices is positive semidefinite. Such a constraint is nonlinear and nonsmooth, but convex, so positive definite programs are convex optimization problems. Semidefinite programming unifies several standard problems (eg, linear and quadratic programming) and finds many applications in engineering. Although semidefinite programs are much more general than linear programs, they are just as easy to solve. Most interior-point methods for linear programming have been generalized to semidefinite programs. As in linear programming, these methods have polynomial worst-case complexity, and perform very well in practice. This paper gives a survey of the theory and applications of semidefinite programs, and an introduction to primal-dual interior-point methods for their solution.
2022-06-19 12:08:03 5MB Semidefinite Programming
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计算机网络课件:Socket programming in C.ppt
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2022-06-18 21:13:17 7.78MB 离散数学 课后答案 题刻答案
本文以任务为导向,全面地介绍数据分析的流程和Python数据分 析库的应用,详细讲解利用Python解决企业实际问题的方法。全书共9章,* 1章介绍了数据分析的基本概念等相关知识;* 2~6章介绍了Python数据分析的常用库及其应用,涵盖NumPy数值计算、Matplotlib数据可视化、pandas统计分析、使用pandas进行数据预处理、使用scikit-learn构建模型,较为全面地阐述了Python数据分析方法;第7~9章结合之前所学的数据分析技术,进行企业综合案例数据分析。除* 1章外,本文各章都含了实训与课后习题,通过练习和操作实践,帮助读者巩固所学的内容。
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