2021-09-12 09:15:30 628KB MIPS 汇编 programming Assembly
Python初学者教程,由智普教育python培训专业机构jeapedu . com友情提供,书名:Python for Kids - A Playful Introduction to Programming - J. Briggs (No Starch, 2013) WW(0).pdf,本书非常适合初学者!
2021-09-11 12:56:03 13.13MB python pdf 智普教育 jeapedu.com
《Network programming with Go 中英文双语对照》 Contents 目录 1. Architecture 架构 2. Overview of the Go language Go 语言概括 3. Socket-level Programming Socket 编程 4. Data serialisation 数据序列化 5. Application-Level Protocols 应用层协议 6. Managing character sets and encodings 管理字符编码 7. Security 安全 8. HTTP 9. Templates 模板 10. A Complete Web Server 一个完整的Web 服务 11. HTML 12. XML 13. Remote Procedure Call 远程过程调用 14. Network Channels 网络Channels 15. Web Sockets
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The Go Programming Language 英文版 Brian W. Kernighan / Alan Donovan
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Advanced R, Second Edition (Chapman & Hall/CRC The R Series) [color=rgb(85, 85, 85) !important]2nd Edition - 2019 About the Author : Hadley Wickham is Chief Scientist at RStudio, an Adjunct Professor at Stanford University and the University of Auckland, and a member of the R Foundation He is the lead developer of the tidyverse, a collection of R packages, including ggplot2 and dplyr, designed to support data science. He is also the author of R for Data Science (with Garrett Grolemund), R Packages , and ggplot2: elegant Graphics For data analysis .
2021-09-09 22:52:23 6.79MB R programming
Introduction 2 The parallel computing memory architecture 3 Memory organization 6 Parallel programming models 14 How to design a parallel program 16 How to evaluate the performance of a parallel program 19 Introducing Python 21 Python in a parallel world 26 Introducing processes and threads 26 Start working with processes in Python 27 Start working with threads in Python 29 Chapter 2: Thread-based Parallelism 33 Introduction 34 Using the Python threading module 35 How to define a thread 35 How to determine the current thread 37 How to use a thread in a subclass 39 Thread synchronization with Lock and RLock
2021-09-09 21:39:46 2.95MB python