OLTC, voltage regulator, and DG 协调控制
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IEEE Standard for Universal Verification Methodology Language Reference Manual
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IEEE CVPR、ICCV、INFOCOM、SECON、IWQoS、ICC论文模板,包括所有IEEE 格式论文的 latex、word 模板,最新官网资源
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IEEE CVPR、ICCV、INFOCOM、SECON、IWQoS、ICC论文模板,包括所有IEEE 格式论文的 latex、word 模板,最新官网资源
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IEEE IEC 63113-2021.pdf
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IEEE Standard for SystemVerilog
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半导体行业的IC验证必备的参考资料 UVM 参考手册,喜欢就下
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The IEEE Taxonomy comprises the first three hierarchical 'levels' under each term-family (or branch) that is formed from the top-most terms of the IEEE Thesaurus. In this document these term-families are arranged alphabetically and denoted by boldface type. Each term family's hierarchy goes to no more than three sublevels, denoted by indents (in groups of four dots) preceding the next level terms. A term can appear in more than one hierarchical branch and can appear more than once in any particular hierarchy. The IEEE Taxonomy is defined in this way so that it is always a subset of the 2020 IEEE Thesaurus.
2021-05-26 21:46:26 351KB IEEE 词典 关键词
2021-05-26 21:01:17 4.53MB ieee论文
生成树协议IEEE802.1D(STP:Spanning Tree Protocol - IEEE 802.1D) IEEE的以太网系列标准之一。 该文档特点: 1、非影印,高清 2、含二级书签和目录,方便使用时跳转。 3、英文版
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