Component-Based Rails Applications: Large Domains Under Control (Addison-Wesley Professional Ruby Series) By 作者: Stephan Hagemann ISBN-10 书号: 0134774582 ISBN-13 书号: 9780134774589 Edition 版本: 1 出版日期: 2018-07-02 pages 页数: 622 If you’re ready to simplify and revitalize your complex Rails systems, you’re ready for Component-Based Rails Applications. Chapter 1 Introduction to Component-Based Rails Applications Chapter 2 Creating a Component-Based Application Chapter 3 Tooling for Components Chapter 4 Component Refactorings:Extracting Components out of Components Chapter 5 From Ball of Mud to First Components Chapter 6 Component-Based Rails in Relation to Other Patterns Chapter 7 Components in Other Languages
2021-06-26 13:34:05 20.32MB Design
Covers in a progressive fashion a number of analysis tools and design techniques directly applicable to nonlinear control problems in high performance systems (in aerospace, robotics and automotive areas).
2021-06-26 09:45:44 9.33MB Nonlinear Control
图标拖拽、添加图标文件、图标重命名(修改Label内容) Demo 仅供参考
2021-06-25 22:35:37 248KB MFC VS2015 List Control
activeX 控件测试容器
2021-06-24 22:04:54 277KB MFC ActiveX
控制项目 主动驾驶的基于PI的随机最优控制研究及MPPI的实现 该项目作为RBE502-机器人控制的课程项目于2018年Spring在伍斯特理工学院提交。 课程页面 该项目将对模型预测路径积分(MPPI)控制进行研究,并将其应用于类似汽车的机器人的主动驾驶。 这主要基于 有关工作的更多详细信息,请查看此。 怎么跑 转到MATLAB中的matlab_implementation目录并运行 MPPI_Pendulum.m 结果
达尔文_控制 为 Darwin OP 机器人提供 ROS 控制器描述和启动文件的 ROS 包 教程 可以在以下位置找到描述如何使用此包的教程: 安装 只需在您的柳絮工作区中克隆即可。 启动: roslaunch darwin_control darwin_control.launch 对于凉亭模拟,此文件由来自 darwin_gazebo 的启动器自动启动。 执照 该软件由 Génération Robots 和 HumaRobotics 在简化 BSD 许可下提供
2021-06-23 12:04:50 39KB
介绍了matlab中LMI (Linear Matrix Inequalities) toolbox的使用,主要应用于鲁棒Hinf控制。
2021-06-23 11:31:08 1.38MB LMI control matlab
this book mainly introduces how to utilize the matlab to realize the robust contol.It will surely help those new learners
2021-06-23 11:28:28 2.09MB robust control matlab
This CD ROM accompanies the book 揜obust Control Design with MATLAB?by Da-Wei Gu, Petko H. Petkov and Mihail M. Konstantinov, Copyright Springer-Verlag, London, 2005. The disk contains the following folders: mds M-files for robust control design and analysis of the Mass/Damper/Spring system (Chapter 8). pendul M-files for design and analysis of robust control system for stabilization of Triple Inverted Pendulum (Chapter 9). hdd M-files for design and analysis of robust servo system of Hard Disk Drive (Chapter 10). column M-files for design and analysis of robust control system of high purity Distillation Column (Chapter 11). rocket M-files for design and analysis of robust attitude control system of Solid Propellant Rocket (Chapter 12). flexman M-files for design and analysis of robust control system of Flexible-Link Manipulator (Chapter 13). There is a file with name contents.m in each folder, containing a list of files with description of their purpose. Before using the files it is desirable to copy the corresponding folder to your hard disk. (To edit the files, remove the Read-Only Property of the copied files.) The M- files may be used with the program system MATLAB, version 7.0.2. It is necessary to have the Robust Control Toolbox, version 3.0, Control System Toolbox v. 6.1 and Simulink v. 6.1. It is reccomended to invoke the files in the order shown in the corresponding file contents.m. THe following files in the "column" folder are reproduced by kind permission of the author and copyright holder Professor Sigurd Skogestad: Colas.m, colamod.m, cola_init.mat. The file GuPK_color.pdf contains a color hypertext version of he book readable using Adobe Acrobat Reader, version 7.0 which can be downloaded from: Copyright ?Springer-Verlag London Ltd 2005 CD Design by Jon Witcomb (
2021-06-23 11:26:55 179KB Robust Control
The software described in this document is furnished under a license agreement. The software may be used or copied only under the terms of the license agreement. No part of this manual
2021-06-23 11:24:19 885KB Robust Control Toolbox™ 3