2021-03-01 17:12:04 2.2MB Algorithm
The bidirectional error diffusion (BERD) algorithm is free from random phase modulation that introduces speckle noise on the reconstructed images, compared with other computer-generated phase-only hologram (POH) approaches. During the POH generation process, the amplitudes of all pixels are traditionally set to one for diffusing the errors to their neighborhood of unprocessed pixels. In this paper, we reveal that the reconstruction quality depends on the uniform amplitude value for different obj
2021-03-01 17:06:03 1.97MB 论文
matlab自己编写的polar format algorithm for synthetic aperture radar
2021-02-28 16:54:05 535B radar SAR PFA imaging
algorithm design foundations analysis and internet examples 中文版
2021-02-28 10:32:00 61.67MB 算法
2021-02-28 09:04:39 302.3MB C++
2021-02-27 14:39:37 3KB Difficience Box Counting Algorithm
In optical scattering particle sizing, a numerical transform is sought so that a particle size distribution can be determined from angular measurements of near forward scattering, which has been adopted in the measurement of blood cells. In this paper a new method of counting and classification of blood cell, laser light scattering method from stationary suspensions, is presented. The genetic algorithm combined with nonnegative least squared algorithm is employed to inverse the size distribution
2021-02-27 09:07:44 624KB 论文
To improve the accuracy of color image reproduction from displays to printers, an adaptively spatial color gamut mapping algorithm (ASCGMA) is proposed. In this algorithm, the compression degree of out-of-reproduction-gamut color is not only related to the position of the color in CIELCH color space, but also depending on the neighborhood of the color to be mapped. The psychophysical experiment of pair comparison is carried out to evaluate and compare this new algorithm with the HPMINDE and SGCK
2021-02-26 11:04:37 1002KB 色域映射 心理物理 成对比较 显示器
在本文中,受人荷尔蒙系统的调节机制的启发,提出了一种新颖的基于内分泌的智能分布式合作算法(EIDCA)进行目标跟踪。 EIDCA使无线传感器网络中的节点能够自动进行自我组织,而无需集中控制目标检测。 还引入了一种基于概率的激素传输方案,以缓解由于节点频繁切换而引起的网络波动。 同时,设计了一种数值评估方法,以提供一种量化指标,用于比较不同算法的跟踪性能。 仿真结果表明,由EIDCA控制的分散网络无需中央控制就能高效,可靠地工作。 还表明,提出的EIDCA在跟踪目标方面优于比较算法。
2021-02-24 18:04:59 2.87MB Distributed cooperative algorithm; Wireless
org / pentaho / pentaho-aggdesigner-algorithm / 5.1.5-jhyde / pentaho-aggdesigner-algorithm-5.1.5-jhyde.jar,解决maven引入hive的jar包时依赖报错Could not find artifact org.pentaho:pentaho-aggdesigner-algorithm:pom:5.1.5-jhyde in xxx的问题(不要积分,免费提供给大家,如有问题可以私信我发给你)
2021-02-24 09:03:54 41KB hive pentaho aggdesigner algorithm