2019-12-21 21:59:37 103.51MB 渲染
PIC16(L)F18313/18323 单片机具有模拟外设、独立于内核外设和通信外设,结合超低功耗 (eXtreme Low Power, XLP)特性,适合广泛的通用和低功耗应用。外设引脚选择 (Peripheral Pin Select, PPS)功能支持在使用数字外设 (CLC、 CWG、 CCP、 PWM 和通信)时进行引脚映射,提高了应用设计灵活性。
2019-12-21 21:56:24 8.96MB PIC16F18323
2019-12-21 21:54:56 31.34MB 程序员实用算法
学VC++必读书籍之一,完美中文PDF文字版,非扫描!手动加上了这本书所有的目录书签,方便阅读! 本书是美国微软出版社授权的 Microsoft Visual Studio系列中文版图书之一,它是 Visual C++ 6.0程序员的实用参考书。 书中讨论的许多主题均以范例程序进行说明,所有范例程序的项目文件都在配套光盘上。本书是从事Visual C++ 6.0应用与开发的所有技术人员极好的工具书,同时也是大专院校相关专业的师生的自学、教学参考用书。 全书共分成六个部分: 第一部分介绍Developer Studio和AppWizard的基础知识; 第二部分介绍文本、图形和对话框编辑器; 第三部分是编程指南,展示了如何使用Classwizard和 Gallery来加速编程开发工作,创建自己的组件; 第四部分介绍 ActiveX控件及其使用,说明如何用MFC或ATL来写 ActiveX控件; 第五部分讨论调试器的各种能力,程序优化的各种选项及原因,如何定制Visual C++,如何编制宏和附加实用程序; 第六部分提供ASCll字符和ANSI字符的标准表格,并简要描述ClassWizard支持的MFC类和VBScript。
2019-12-21 21:53:55 11.36MB VC++ 中文版
英文原版 Wireless LAN Medium Access Control (MAC) and Physical Layer (PHY) Specifications IEEE Standard for Information technology—Telecommunications and information exchange between systems Local and metropolitan area networks— Specific requirements
2019-12-21 21:53:45 20.01MB WiFi Wlan 802.11
2019-12-21 21:45:05 13.36MB 机器学习 吴恩达 笔记
设计与验证:Verilog+HDL(清晰带书签) 设计与验证:Verilog+HDL(清晰带书签)
2019-12-21 21:41:10 14.41MB 设计与验证 Verilog Verilog+HDL
2019-12-21 21:35:36 2.32MB 编程
As the computer industry changes from single-processor to multiprocessor architectures, this revolution requires a fundamental change in how programs are written. To leverage the performance and power of multiprocessor programming, also known as multicore programming, you need to learn the new principles, algorithms, and tools presented in this book. It includes fully-developed Java examples detailing data structures, synchronization techniques, transactional memory, and more. Prof. Maurice Herlihy, who coined the phrase "transactional memory," is on the faculty of Brown University. He is the recipient of the 2003 Dijkstra Prize in distributed computing. Prof. Nir Shavit is on the faculty of Tel-Aviv University and a member of the technical staff at Sun Microsystems Laboratories. In 2004 they shared the Gödel Prize, the highest award in theoretical computer science. * THE book on multicore programming, the new paradigm of computer science * Written by the world's most revered experts in multiprocessor programming and performance * Includes examples, models, exercises, PowerPoint slides, and sample Java programs
2019-12-21 21:31:28 5.35MB 并发 multi 多处理器编程
本书涵盖了Angular5 所有技术点,从小白零基础到 大神级别的进阶,原版英文原汁原味。如果你有相关经验,那本书将是你提升技能的捷径。
2019-12-21 21:30:32 10.5MB Angular