EG: 1.黑带是六西格玛管理中最为重要的角色之一。在下面的陈述中,哪些不是六西格玛黑带应承担的 任务: A.在倡导者(Champion)和资深黑带(MBB)的指导下,带领团队完成六西格玛项目 B.运用六西格玛管理工具方法,发现问题产生的根本原因,确认改进机会; C.与倡导者资深黑带以及项目相关方沟通,寻求各方的支持和理解; D.负责整个组织六西格玛管理的部署,为团队确定六西格玛管理推进目标,分配资源并监控进 展。 D 解析:分配资源、监控进程是champion的职责。
2021-07-17 21:09:17 85KB 六西格玛
2021-07-17 19:36:28 2.4MB 试题
2021-07-17 14:11:49 1.9MB PC整蛊专家
2009谷歌poi 历史poi 科研poi 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020各年份poi
2021-07-16 18:37:23 3.74MB 历史poi 2009poi 2009信息点
The first book to focus on the electromagnetic basis of signal integrity The Foundations of Signal Integrity is the first of its kind—a reference that examines the physical foundation of system integrity based on electromagnetic theory derived from Maxwell's Equations. Drawing upon the cutting-edge research of Professor Paul Huray's team of industrial engineers and graduate students, it develops the physical theory of wave propagation using methods of solid state and high-energy physics, mathematics, chemistry, and electrical engineering before addressing its application to modern high-speed systems. Coverage includes: All the necessary electromagnetic theory needed for a complete understanding of signal integrity Techniques for obtaining analytic solutions to Maxwell's Equations for ideal materials and boundary conditions Plane electromagnetic waves Plane waves in compound media Transmission lines and waveguides Ideal models vs. real-world systems Complex permittivity of propagating media Surface roughness Advanced signal integrity Signal integrity simulations Problem sets for each chapter With its thorough coverage of this relatively new discipline, the book serves as an ideal textbook for senior undergraduate and junior graduate students, as well as a resource for practicing engineers in this burgeoning field. At the end of each section, it typically stimulates the reader with open-ended questions that might lead to future theses or dissertation research.
2021-07-16 17:54:20 5.57MB Signal Integrity
计算机等级考试训练模拟软件 (二级Visual Basic) 2009年下半年版.zip