2021-12-20 11:23:49 284KB 电子设计
2021-12-19 21:34:54 9.39MB 2.2寸液晶 开发资料 SPI接口
2021-12-19 21:16:20 64KB oled
Pin Number Symbol I/O Function P Po o we er r S Su up pp pl ly y 9 VDD P P Po o we er r S Su up pp pl ly y f fo or r L Lo og gi ic c This is a voltage supply pin. It must be connected to external source. 8 VSS P G Gr ro ou un nd d o of f L Lo og gi ic c C Ci ir rc cu ui it t This is a ground pin. It acts as a reference for the logic pins. It must be connected to external ground. 28 VCC P P Po o we er r S Su up pp pl ly y f fo or r OE EL L P Pa an ne el l This is the most positive voltage supply pin of the chip. A stabilization capacitor should be connected between this pin and V SS when the converter is used. It must be connected to external source when the converter is not used. 29 VLSS P G Gr ro ou un nd d o of f A An na al lo og g C Ci ir rc cu ui it t This is an analog ground pin. It should be connected to V SS externally. D Dr ri iv ve er r 26 IREF I C Cu ur rr re en nt t R Re ef fe er re en nc ce e f fo or r B Br ri ig gh ht tn ne es ss s A Ad dj ju us st t me en nt t This pin is segment current reference pin. A resistor should be connected between this pin and V SS . Set the current at 12.5μA maximum. 27 VCOMH O V Vo ol lt ta ag ge e Ou ut tp pu ut t Hi ig gh h L Le ev ve el l f fo or r C C O M S Si ig gn na al l This pin is the input pin for the voltage output high level for COM signals. A capacitor should be connected between this pin and V SS . D DC C/ /D DC C C Co on nv ve er rt te er r 6 VDDB P P Po o we er r S Su up pp pl ly y f fo or r DC C/ / DC C C Co on nv ve er rt te er r C Ci ir rc cu ui it t This is the power supply pin for the internal buffer of the DC/DC voltage converter. It must be connected to external source when the converter is used. It should be connected to V DD when the converter is not used. 4 / 5 2 / 3 C1P / C1N C2P / C2N I P Po os si it ti iv ve e T Te er r mi in na al l o of f t th he e F Fl ly yi in ng g I In nv ve er rt ti in ng g C Ca ap pa ac ci it to or r Ne eg ga at ti iv ve e T Te er r mi in na al l o of f t th he e F Fl ly yi in ng g B Bo oo os st t C Ca ap pa ac ci it to or r The charge-pump capacitors are required between the terminals. They must be floated when the converter is not used. I In nt te er rf fa ac ce e 10 11 12 BS0 BS1 BS2 I C Co o m mu un ni ic ca at ti in ng g P Pr ro ot to oc co ol l S Se el le ec ct t These pins are MCU interface selection input. See the following table: BS0 BS1 BS2 I 2 C 0 1 0 3-wire SPI 1 0 0 4-wire SPI 0 0 0 8-bit 68XX Parallel 0 0 1 8-bit 80XX Parallel 0 1 1 14 RES# I P Po o we er r R Re es se et t f fo or r C Co on nt tr ro ol ll le er r a an nd d Dr ri iv ve er r This pin is reset signal input. When the pin is low, initialization of the chip is executed. Keep this pin pull high during normal operation. 13 CS# I C Ch hi ip p S Se el le ec ct t This pin is the chip select input. The chip is enabled for MCU communication only when CS# is pulled low. 15 D/C# I Da at ta a/ /C Co o m ma an nd d C Co on nt tr ro ol l This pin is Data/Command control pin. When the pin is pulled high, the input at D7~D0 is treated as display data. When the pin is pulled low, the input at D7~D0 will be transferred to the command register. When the pin is pulled high and serial interface mode is selected, the data at SDIN will be interpreted as data. When it is pulled low, the data at SDIN will be transferred to the command register. In I 2 C mode, this pin acts as SA0 for slave address selection. For detail relationship to MCU interface signals, please refer to the Timing Characteristics Diagrams. 17 E/RD# I R Re ea ad d/ / Wr ri it te e E En na ab bl le e o or r R Re ea ad d This pin is MCU interface input. When interfacing to a 68XX-series microprocessor, this pin will be used as the Enable (E) signal. Read/write operation is initiated when this pin is pulled high and the CS# is pulled low. When connecting to an 80XX-microprocessor, this pin receives the Read (RD#) signal. Data read operation is initiated when this pin is pulled low and CS# is pulled low. When serial or I 2 C mode is selected, this pin must be connected to V SS . GoldenMorning Electronic 4 1.5 Pin Definition (Continued) Pin Number Symbol I/O Function I In nt te er rf fa ac ce e ( (C Co on nt ti in nu ue ed d) ) 16 R/W# I R Re ea ad d/ / Wr ri it te e S Se el le ec ct t o or r Wr ri it te e This pin is MCU interface input. When interfacing to a 68XX-series microprocessor, this pin will be used as Read/Write (R/W#) selection input. Pull this pin to “High” for read mode and pull it to “Low” for write mode. When 80XX interface mode is selected, this pin will be the Write (WR#) input. Data write operation is initiated when this pin is pulled low and the CS# is pulled low. When serial or I 2 C mode is selected, this pin must be connected to V SS . 18~25 D0~D7 I/O Ho os st t Da at ta a I In np pu ut t/ / Ou ut tp pu ut t B Bu us s These pins are 8-bit bi-directional data bus to be connected to the microprocessor’s data bus. When serial mode is selected, D1 will be the serial data input SDIN and D0 will be the serial clock input SCLK. When I 2 C mode is selected, D2 & D1 should be tired together and serve as SDA out & SDA in in application and D0 is the serial clock input SCL. Unused pins must be connected to V SS except for D2 in serial mode. R Re es se er rv ve e 7 N.C. - R Re es se er rv ve ed d P Pi in n The N.C. pin between function pins are reserved for compatible and flexible design. 1, 30 N.C. (GND) - R Re es se er rv ve ed d P Pi in n ( (S Su up pp po or rt ti in ng g P Pi in n) ) The supporting pins can reduce the influences from stresses on the function pins. These pins must be connected to external ground as the ESD protection circuit.
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在ARM Linux下使用GPIO模拟SPI时序详解.pdf
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