2021-03-04 22:51:17 809KB LTE RR C/I PF
Quectel LTE&5G windows USB驱动最新版V2.2.2, 特别支持抓log,重启不会停
2021-03-04 15:39:55 12.24MB Quectel LTE 5G 驱动
2021-03-03 10:05:27 143KB 研究论文
EC200S 模块封装紧凑, 仅为 29.0mm × 32.0mm × 2.4mm,能满足几乎所有 M2M 应用需求,例如: 自动化领域、 智能计量、跟踪系统、 安防系统、路由器、无线 POS 机、移动计算设备、 PDA 电话和平板电 脑等。 EC200S 是贴片式模块, 共有 144 个引脚, 其中 80 个为 LCC 引脚, 其余 64 个为 LGA 引脚。BAT_RF/VBAT_BB -0.3 6.0 V USB_VBUS -0.3 5.5 V VBAT_BB 最大电流 0 0.8 A VBAT_RF 最大电流 0 1.8 A 数字接口电压 -0.3 2.3 V ADC0 电压 0 VBAT_BB V ADC1 电压 0 VBAT_BB V
2021-03-02 16:07:39 1.39MB 4g lte-cat1
This document contains documentation on how to use the LTE-A System Level Simulator (LTE-A SL Simulator) [1] as well as some insight on its structure and the assumptions that were made while developing it. This document relates more on how to actually use the simulator. The concept and the structure of the simulator is described in more detail in
2021-03-02 15:34:58 7.11MB LTE simulator
2021-02-27 21:04:28 6.38MB LTE 物理层
3GPP长期演进(LTE)技术原理与系统设计 沈嘉.pdf
2021-02-24 14:01:01 43.35MB 3gpp lte
RPE-LTE下的GSM全速率语音编解码功能,显示编码前后语音波文件的波形变化。 INSTRUCTIONS: - run MAIN_relp.m - copy your desired file in this folder and write the filename in MAIN_relp.m and run it. INFO: This is a simulation of Regular Pulse Excited Long Term Predictor used in GSM 6.10. These codes have been written for simulation purposes only and it hasn't been generalized yet for wavfiles sampled at any frequency. It has been temporarily done only wavfiles with 8000 Hz sampling frequency. Also that quantization effect hasn't been added yet. The codes will be updated soon. We appolagize for the temporary inconvenience.
2021-02-20 11:51:17 35KB GSM RPE-LTE 全速率 语音编解码
2021-02-17 10:01:44 6.04MB 硬件 射频
CSAE 基于LTE 的车联网无线通信技术直连通
2021-02-05 16:00:17 4.77MB CSAE LTE 车联网 无线通信技术