USB 3.1连接器改善EMI/RFI问题 传输率达10Gbit/s
2021-09-30 11:51:36 4.95MB USB 3.1连接器
2021-09-29 20:24:12 73.47MB ffmpeg
原作者 Prof. F. Dellsperger 的网站 : Setup Smith Smith 如果您只需要一个授权文件, 本下载档里面有。 Smith V3.10 *************** Overview The software is divided in two parts: 1. Smith-Chart Diagram Features:  Matching ladder networks with capacitors, inductors, resistors, serie RLC, parallel RLC, transformers, serie lines and open or shorted stubs  Free settable normalisation impedance for the Smith chart  Circles and contours for stability, noise figure, gain, VSWR and Q  Edit element values after insertion  Import datapoints from S-parameter files  Undo- und Redo-Function  Save and load designs  Save netlist  Print Smith chart, schematic and comments  Copy to clipboard for documentation purposes  Set colors for Smith chart 2. S-Plot Features:  Read S-Parameter - Files in Touchstone® - Format  Graphical display of s11, s12, s21 and s22  Graphical display and listing of MAG (maximum operating power gain) and MSG (maximum stable gain)  Convert and export S-Parameter to normalized or unnormalized H-, Z-, Y- or A-Parameters in Touchstone ® - Format files.  Export s11 or s22 to Smith-Chart  Print all graphics or listings System requirements: Windows
2021-09-28 18:16:17 6.36MB Smith V3.10
正交试验设计助手 ,输入数据,自己可以计算,可以给出简单的图形找到影响最大的因素,等等,免去计算的麻烦
2021-09-28 16:52:28 1.26MB 正交
近乎(Spacebuilder)是基于 mvc最强大的SNS社区软件。借助预置的微博、资讯、群组、日志、相册、贴吧、问答、活动等应用模块,近乎可以帮助客户快速搭建以用户为中心、用户乐于贡献内容、互动无处不在、易于运营的社区网站。 近乎5.3.1主要做了代码优化重构、已知bug修复,让近乎更加靠谱。 同时移动版做了大更新。如今样貌今非昔比,从头到脚做了很大的改进和调整,既美观又好用,老用户拿到手可能会感叹变化大,但应该不会说不会用,应该是用起来更顺手。移动端请至各大应用商店或近乎官网下载体验哦! 近乎(Spacebuilder) v5.3.1更新日志如下: 1、优化重构代码 2、增加 重新重新计算用户等级的定时任务 3、修复 推荐上移下移的bug 4、修复 广告附件可能丢失的bug 5、修复 文件版本导致的文库附件在编辑时附件转换的bug 6、修复 投票编辑投票可选项数发生变化的bug 7、修复 积分修改缓存没有及时更新的bug 8、修复 积分商城部分附件没有成功转换的bug 9、修复 勋章没有转换临时附件的bug 10、修复 积分商城由于一个路由配置问题导致的模型绑定校验失败的bug 11、修复 web端自动跳转移动端url路径对应 12、修复 百度编辑器不支持从word中复制的图片的bug 13、更新 后台首页中网站版本信息中网站功能模块展示内容 14、修复 用户增减积分操作在高并发下可能存在的隐患的问题 15、更新 移动端Api接口文档
2021-09-28 15:22:46 57.48MB SNS社区 MVC社区 近乎sns 社区论坛
2021-09-28 10:38:09 691KB 格式化工具 linux wind
Car Paint Pro will help you to simulate next level photo-realistic visualizations of any kind metallic related materials. Reflective Clear Coat, Metallic Flakes with Procedural Flake Tool, Overlay, Fresnel, Base Glossiness & Diffuse. This shader is mostly recommended for high-end workstations. What's Inside Pro Version ▲ 4 Pro Clear Coat PBR Shader with 8 subshaders ▲ Procedurally Generated Flakes Tool ▲ 43 Example Scenes ▲ 5 Environment Scenes ▲ 3 Detailed Car Models ▲ 30 Camera Animations ▲ 5 HDR Images. Features: ▲ This Pro Shader is a complex material with four layers: a base diffuse layer, a base glossy layer, reflective coating layer, overlay layer, fresnel layer, metallic flakes layer, and clear coat layer. The material allows the adjustment of each of these layers separately. ▲ There are four shaders included. The regular car paint shader has a ‘Base Paint’ layer and a ‘Reflective Coating’ layer. There is also a shader with an extra ‘Overlay’ layer available, this could be used for dirt, wear and decals. Both of these layers have a transparent and a opaque variant. ▲ The shaders are built up with different layers, each layer has it’s own lighting and relevant settings. ▲The car paint shaders use maps to render the flakes. In order to ease the creation of these maps the package includes a tool for generating procedurally these maps. Technical aspects: ▲ Optimized and polished prefabed models ▲ 8k & 4k Environment Textures ▲ Correct proportions ▲ Car Triangle Count 300k~ ▲ Separated vehicles parts for Car Configurations ▲ [IMPORTANT] Shaders are optimized for mobile, but example scenes are using Image Effects which may not work on mobile devices Each element has been carefully crafted, with in-game use optimization in mind.
2021-09-26 18:05:14 121B unity
下拉通刷词软件是一款短时间内帮助用户关键词刷出下拉的系统,试用于百度搜索引擎下拉,百度手机下拉,360搜索下拉,搜狗下拉,UC下拉,刷百度下拉词进行推广,面向的是全国地区,没有网站也可以做,不存在任何恶意点击,而且下拉提示更利于口碑宣传,赢得客户信赖,价格比竞价排名费用低很多,又比传统seo省去做网站的费用,为广大商家用户节省了不少资金投入和时间成本。 更新日志 1:新增软件在线充值功能 2
2021-09-26 12:46:32 2.56MB 网络软件
Transform 3.1 是用于数据转换的 SPSS 宏,它提供以下功能:对多个变量计算总分,对多个变量计算平均分,均值中心化,标准化,根据变量分数进行组别编码,特征缩放,反向,经典的正态分布转换,Box-Cox 转换,虚拟编码,构造 Box-Tidwell 交互项,排秩,指数计算,对数计算,取绝对值和四舍五入为整数。其中的大部分功能都可以指定分组变量,在子组内进行转换,并且为大部分转换后的变量提供变量标签。此外,拥有中文版与英文版。
2021-09-25 22:00:34 6.81MB spss 数据转换 Boc-Cox