socket编程 c++源码 实现两台机器建立socket连接,进行数据报文的传输!
2022-02-16 15:47:50 2KB socket c++
For developers who are using Visual Studio, the SocketTools .NET Edition includes managed components that are supported on both x86 and x64 platforms, and compatible with every version of Visual Studio from Visual Studio .NET 2003 and up. This edition also includes support for secure, encrypted connections using the standard SSL, TLS and SSH protocols.
2022-02-15 23:51:14 10MB .NET TCP/IP
SocketTools is a suite of .NET components, ActiveX controls and libraries for software developers who need to integrate Internet functionality into their Windows applications. Using SocketTools, you can easily add features such as uploading and downloading files, sending and retrieving e-mail, exchanging information with web servers, interactive terminal sessions and remote system management. Each of the SocketTools Editions includes both 32-bit and 64-bit components, supports both current IPv4 and next-generation IPv6 Internet protocols, and includes support for secure connections using SSL/TLS and SSH. With SocketTools, you can create high-quality, commercial software with all the security features users demand just by enabling a few options in your program.
2022-02-15 23:41:26 2.88MB TCP-IP .NET
socket传输图片的例子,delphi代码,在 Delphi XE 中测试通过,里面包含服务器端和客户端源代码.
2022-02-15 11:02:55 6.01MB socket 图片
软件名称:网络UDP调试工具 软件可以发送、接收UDP网络消息,同时支持客户端和服务器模式
2022-02-15 09:31:23 19.82MB UDP通讯 UDP调试 UDP测试 UDP消息
Python网络开发必备参考书籍,TCP、UDP socket实现应有尽有。
2022-02-14 11:08:20 76.74MB python 网络编程 socket
2022-02-14 10:26:18 1.4MB socket C#
2022-02-14 09:02:35 291KB c++ 开发语言 后端 利用Delphi编写Socket
C#里边要实现Socket网络编程,实现tcp和udp协议收发任意的数据,比如二进制的图片、音频、视频等数据,或者是xml,json,字符串等文本数据。我们可以采用.NET自带的类库编写,但是由于这些类库只是基础的设施,需要自行处理比如断线重连、网络波动、tcp粘包等等问题,并且还要考虑稳定性和吞吐等因素,所以可以调用一些类库。 这里介绍一个比较稳定可靠,又接口简单的sdk类库。名字叫SharpSocket。本源码是一个示例,教你如何使用该库快速创建稳定快速的网络通信项目
2022-02-13 15:56:53 423KB Socket 网络编程 tcp、ud 断线重连
2022-02-11 14:27:36 2.75MB android socket长连接 zxing二维码 listview