In this book, Dr. Michael Lawton shares his expertise and lessons learnedfrom his years of dedication to vascular neurosurgery. He describes his take onAVMs in the preface as a battle and his book contains many take-home lessons.His presentation is enhanced by the spectacular intraoperative color images andillustrations drawn by Kenneth X. Probst. With no reservations, I highlyrecommend this book to all neurosurgeons. -- Doody's Enterprises,Inc.  This sequel to Dr. Lawton's best-selling Seven Aneurysms focuses onmicrosurgical resection techniques for AVMs found in the lobes and deep regionsof the brain. It categorizes the techniques into subtypes to simplify the broadspectrum of brain AVMs neurosurgeons may encounter. The book is organized intothree sections: The Tenets, which establishes eight steps for AVM resection; TheSeven Arteriovenous Malformations, which describes the anatomical terrain andsurgical strategies for thirty-two AVM subtypes; and The Selection section, inwhich Dr. Lawton discusses what he believes to be the keys to successful AVMsurgery: good patient selection and best application of multiple treatmentmodalities. Key Features: ,解压密码
2021-12-10 15:53:29 34.48MB 英文
搜索了一下发现没有第二版的。This book is primarily concerned with the provision of good flying and handling qualities in conventional piloted aircraft, although the material is equally applicable to the uninhabited air vehicle (UAV). Consequently it is also very much concerned with the stability, control and dynamic characteristics which are fundamental to the determination of those qualities. Since flying and handling qualities are of critical importance to safety and to the piloting task it is essential that their origins are properly understood. Here then, the intention is to set out the basic principles of the subject at an introductory level and to illustrate the application of those principles by means of worked examples.
2021-12-10 15:48:32 3.19MB Flight Dynamics Principles Third
This book is perhaps most relevant to interventional neuroradiologists, interventional neurologists, or endovascular neurosurgeons looking for a quick and easy read, and the organization of each chapter allows for just that, as chapters do have a heavy emphasis on illustrations, cadaveric dissections, in vivo dissections, and angiograms. -- AJNRThe book is easy to read and digest and can be read from start to finish without difficulty. However, it may be most useful when read a chapter or two at a time to supplement one's knowledge prior to a vascular rotation or a case. -- World NeurosurgeryFour master neurosurgeons bring a wealth of collective neurosurgical and neuroendovascular experience to this remarkable reference book, which melds a detailed anatomical atlas with clinical applications. The authors provide case reviews and pearls that demonstrate how anatomy impacts clinical practice decisions for aneurysm, stroke, and skull-base disease.Highlights:,解压密码
2021-12-10 15:47:35 28.98MB 英文
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is a technique used in biomedical imaging and radiology to visualize internal structures of the body. Because MRI provides excellent contrast between different soft tissues, the technique is especially useful for diagnostic imaging of the brain, muscles, and heart.,解压密码
2021-12-10 15:39:49 93.33MB 英文
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CISSP(Certification for Information System Security Professional)即信息系统安全专业认证,这一证书代表国际信息系统安全从业人员的权威认证,CISSP认证项目面向从事商业环境安全体系建构、设计、管理或控制的专业人员,对从业人员的技术及知识积累进行测试。
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CISA Review Manual, 26th Edition CISA 认证复习手册英文版,26版本,已切边,适合手机观看
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Most books on operating systems deal with theory while ignoring practice. While the usual principles are covered in detail, the book describes a small, but real UNIX-like operating system: MINIX.The book demonstrates how it works while illustrating the principles behind it. Operating Systems: Design and Implementation Second Edition provides the MINIX source code. The relevant selections of the MINIX code are described in detail. When it first came out, MINIX caused something of a revolution. Within weeks, it had its own newsgroup on USENET, with 40,000 people. Most wanted to make MINIX bigger and fancier. Instead, Linux was created. That has become quite popular, very large, and complicated. MINIX, on the other hand, has remained small and suitable for instruction and example.The book has been revised to include updates in MINIX, which started out as a v 7 unix clone for a floppy-disk only 8088. It is now aimed at 386, 486, and pentium machines and is based on the international posix standard instead of on v7. There are now also versions of MINIX for the Macintosh and SPARC available. Professional programmers will find this book to be a valuable resource and reference book.,解压密码
2021-12-09 23:46:17 36.25MB 英文
This file is Bayesian Data Analysis written by Andrew Gelman
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分3卷 本书详细讲述了用最新的Qt版本进行图形用户界面应用程序开发的各个方面。前5章主要涉及Qt基础知识,后两个部分主要讲解Qt的中高级编程,包括布局管理、事件处理、二维/三维图形、拖放、项视图类、容器类、输入/输出、数据库、多线程、网络、XML、国际化、嵌入式编程等内容。对于本书讲授的大量Qt4编程原理和实践,都可以轻易将其应用于Qt4.4、Qt4.5以及后续版本的Qt程序开发过程中。   本书适合对Qt编程感兴趣的程序员以及广大计算机编程爱好者阅读,也可作为相关机构的培训教材。 作  者:(加)布兰切特(Blanchette,J),(英)萨默菲尔德(Summerfield,M) 著;闫锋欣 等译 出 版 社:电子工业出版社
2021-12-09 12:00:11 47.68MB 中文版 C++ Qt 4