Product Description OpenGL is the fastest and most widely available software standard for producing high-quality color images of 3D scenes. This practical guide shows X programmers how to construct working 3D applications using OpenGL and how to tightly integrate OpenGL applications with the X Window System. Written by a Silicon Graphics X Window System and OpenGL expert, OpenGL Programming for the X Window System uses the OpenGL Utility Toolkit (GLUT) to show how OpenGL programs can be constructed quickly and explores OpenGL features using examples written with GLUT. This book also: *explains the GLX model for integrating OpenGL and Xlib *shows how to use OpenGL with Motif and other widget sets *discusses the latest OpenGL standards: OpenGL 1.1, GLX 1.2, and GLU 1.2 *covers advanced topics such as alternative input devices and overlays *includes valuable information for ensuring OpenGL portability and interoperability *provides pointers for performance tuning Each chapter contains source code demonstrating the techniques described. Source code for all the examples provided, and for the GLUT library itself, are available for downloading via the Internet. Intended for C programmers familiar with the Xlib and/or Motif programming interfaces. No previous OpenGL knowledge is required. 0201483599B04062001 From the Back Cover OpenGL is the fastest and most widely available software standard for producing high-quality color images of 3D scenes. This practical guide shows X programmers how to construct working 3D applications using OpenGL and how to tightly integrate OpenGL applications with the X Window System. Written by a Silicon Graphics X Window System and OpenGL expert, OpenGL Programming for the X Window System uses the OpenGL Utility Toolkit (GLUT) to show how OpenGL programs can be constructed quickly and explores OpenGL features using examples written with GLUT. This book also: explains the GLX model for integrating OpenGL and Xlib shows how to use OpenGL with Motif and other widget sets discusses the latest OpenGL standards: OpenGL 1.1, GLX 1.2, and GLU 1.2 covers advanced topics such as alternative input devices and overlays includes valuable information for ensuring OpenGL portability and interoperability provides pointers for performance tuning Each chapter contains source code demonstrating the techniques described. Source code for all the examples provided, and for the GLUT library itself, are available for downloading via the Internet. Intended for C programmers familiar with the Xlib and/or Motif programming interfaces. No previous OpenGL knowledge is required.
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