3.1 控件基本方法(method) 3.1.1 S_InitListen 函数原型 :SHORT S_InitListen(SHORT m_Port) 功能 : 建立服务器端侦听端口 参数 : m_Port 服务器侦听端口号 返回值: :0:成功 1:失败 3.1.2 S_OnSendMsg 函数原型 :SHORT S_OnSendMsg(LPCTSTR m_ip, LPCTSTR m_Msg); 功能 : 单条消息发送 参数 : m_ip 接收端Ip地址 m_Msg 消息信息 返回值: :0 发送成功 1 发送失败 3.1.3 S_OnPushMsg 函数原型 :SHORT S_OnPushMsg(LPCTSTR m_Msg); 功能 : 群发消息 参数 : m_Msg 消息信息 返回值: :0 成功 1:失败 3.1.4 C_OnConnect 函数原型 :SHORT C_OnConnect(LPCTSTR m_ip, SHORT m_port); 功能 : 客户端连接服务器 参数 : m_ip 服务器端ip地址 参数 : m_port 端口号 返回值: :0 成功 1失败 3.1.5 C_OnSendMsg 函数原型 :SHORT C_OnSendMsg(LPCTSTR m_Msg); 功能 : 发送消息 参数 : m_Msg 消息信息 返回值: :0 成功 1失败 3.2 控件事件(event) 3.2.1 FireReceiveSocketMsg 原型 :void FireReceivedSocketMsg(SHORT m_Event, LPCTSTR m_Msg) 功能 :客户端消息 参数 : m_Event 事件类型 1:客户端消息事件 2:客户端通讯错误事件 参数 : m_Msg 事件信息 3.2.2 FireServerReceiveSocketMsg 原型 :void FireServerReceivedSocketMsgWinsocketocxctrl(SHORT m_Event, LPCTSTR m_Msg , LPCTSTR m_Address) 功能 :服务器端消息 参数 : m_Event 事件类型 1:服务器端消息事件 2: 服务器通讯错误事件 3:客户端连接到服务器通知事件(返回客户端ip) 4:客户端断开服务器通知事件(返回客户端ip) 参数 : m_Msg 事件信息 参数 : m_ Address 客户端ip地址 .4 备注 通讯日志存储在C:\ _SOCKET.LOG
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结合 1.Properties、FileReader、File和配置文件 2.BufferedReader/Writer、InputStreamReader、OutputStreamWriter 3.Soket、 4.ServerSocket、 5.JWT、 6.Swing 跨进程通信、网络聊天
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UL 498F STANDARD FOR SAFETY Plugs, Socket-Outlets and Couplerswith Arcuate (Locking Type)Contacts
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Python通过UDP协议发送数据与接收数据。包含udpsocket_recieve.py udpsocket_send.py两个文件,分别为简单的UDP接收测试、UDP发送测试。
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socket编程 c++源码 实现两台机器建立socket连接,进行数据报文的传输!
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For developers who are using Visual Studio, the SocketTools .NET Edition includes managed components that are supported on both x86 and x64 platforms, and compatible with every version of Visual Studio from Visual Studio .NET 2003 and up. This edition also includes support for secure, encrypted connections using the standard SSL, TLS and SSH protocols.
2022-02-15 23:51:14 10MB .NET TCP/IP
SocketTools is a suite of .NET components, ActiveX controls and libraries for software developers who need to integrate Internet functionality into their Windows applications. Using SocketTools, you can easily add features such as uploading and downloading files, sending and retrieving e-mail, exchanging information with web servers, interactive terminal sessions and remote system management. Each of the SocketTools Editions includes both 32-bit and 64-bit components, supports both current IPv4 and next-generation IPv6 Internet protocols, and includes support for secure connections using SSL/TLS and SSH. With SocketTools, you can create high-quality, commercial software with all the security features users demand just by enabling a few options in your program.
2022-02-15 23:41:26 2.88MB TCP-IP .NET