银行营销活动分析 使用Logistic回归,随机森林,决策树,Gradient Boosting和AdaBoost等各种ML技术分析了葡萄牙银行的先前营销活动,并预测了用户是否会购买该银行的定期存款 推荐的营销团队,使用功能重要性图和业务直觉来更好地定位客户的方法 运行代码的说明: 确保数据文件(“ bank-additional-full.csv”)与ipython笔记本位于同一目录中,或相应地编辑ipython笔记本。 确保在python 3环境中运行笔记本。 确保笔记本中使用的所有依赖项都已安装在本地计算机中。 按照笔记本中的顺序依次运行代码。 对Notebook进行充分注释以给出所执行代码的合理推断。 速效 功能重要性 给营销团队的建议
飞行数据分析 我们的数据集包含有关2013年从纽约出发的所有航班的信息,总共包含约336,776个航班。 软件和库: Jupyter笔记本 Python 3.x 脾气暴躁的 大熊猫 MatplotLib 海生 熊猫分析 该数据集由以下变量组成: 年:2013 月:1-12 日期:每月的某天(1-31) dep_time:出发时间,当地时区 sched_dep_time:预定出发时间 dep_delay:出发延迟时间(以分钟为单位),负数表示提早出发 arr_time:到达时间,本地时区 sched_arr_time:预定到达时间 arr_delay:到达延迟(以分钟为单位),负数表示提前到达 载体:两个字母的缩写 航班:航班号 tailnum:平面尾号 原点:原点的机场代码 dest:目的地的机场代码 air_time:在空中停留的时间,以分钟为单位 距离:飞行距离,以英里
2021-10-25 19:35:34 486KB JupyterNotebook
2021-10-25 17:15:31 3.05MB Interfe
dbn matlab代码自述文件 作者 tanh丽媛 项目名 情绪分析 用于情感分析的深度神经网络方法 建造 软件环境:Jupyter Notebook,MATLAB R2019a(任何版本都可以使用) 版本控制:Python 3.6 所需的库:Numpy 1.14.3,Pandas 0.23.0,Python正则表达式运算2.2.1,自然语言工具包3.3,Sklearn 0.19.1,Keras 2.2.4(任何版本都可以使用) 贡献者 感谢albertbup提供了深度信任网络的源代码。 感谢新加坡南洋理工大学的黄光斌教授提供深度极限学习机的源代码。 数据集是从Kaggle下载的。 设置 从master分支下载该代码,作为sentiment_analysis-master.zip。 解压缩sentiment_analysis-master.zip,打开文件夹,应该有“ DBN”文件夹,“ DELM”文件夹,“ LSTM”文件夹和“ numpy_to_matlab”文件夹。 访问下载名为“输入”的数据集文件夹。 将“输入”文件夹放入“ LSTM”文件夹,“ DBN”文件夹和“ nump
2021-10-25 14:21:18 1.36MB 系统开源
2021-10-25 10:42:09 6.71MB 磁共振成像 共具书 数据处理
2021-10-24 21:29:32 5KB 情感分析 深度学习 Python
2021-10-24 21:02:51 3.73MB Pajek 复杂网络
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2021-10-24 18:30:54 31.01MB 电路分析 答案 英文原版 非扫描版
Using Excel for Business Analysis, Revised Edition provides practical guidance for anyone looking to build financial models. Whether for business proposals, opportunity evaluation, financial reports, or any other business finance application, this book shows you how to design, create, and test your model, then present your results effectively using Excel 2013. The book opens with a general guide to financial modelling, with each subsequent chapter building skill upon skill until you have a real, working model of your own. Financial tools, features, and functions are covered in detail from a practical perspective, and put in context with application to real–world examples. Each chapter focuses on a different aspect of Excel modelling, including step–by–step instructions that walk you through each feature, and the companion website provides live model worksheets that give you the real hands–on practice you need to start doing your job faster, more efficiently, and with fewer errors. Financial modelling is an invaluable business tool, and Excel 2013 is capable of supporting the most common and useful models most businesses need. This book shows you how to dig deeper into Excel′s functionality to craft effective financial models and provide important information that informs good decision–making. Learn financial modelling techniques and best practice Master the formulas and functions that bring your model to life Apply stress testing and sensitivity analysis with advanced conditionals Present your results effectively, whether graphically, orally, or written A deceptively powerful application, Excel supports many hundreds of tools, features, and functions; Using Excel for Business Analysis eliminates the irrelevant to focus on those that are most useful to business finance users, with detailed guidance toward utilisation and best practice. ,解压密码 share.weimo.info
2021-10-24 18:12:38 68.98MB 英文
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