2021-10-30 16:18:42 147.88MB neo4j 安装包
Covering all the essential components of Unix/Linux, including process management, concurrent programming, timer and time service, file systems and network programming, this textbook emphasizes programming practice in the Unix/Linux environment. Systems Programming in Unix/Linux is intended as a textbook for systems programming courses in technically-oriented Computer Science/Engineering curricula that emphasize both theory and programming practice. The book contains many detailed working example programs with complete source code. It is also suitable for self-study by advanced programmers and computer enthusiasts. Systems programming is an indispensable part of Computer Science/Engineering education. After taking an introductory programming course, this book is meant to further knowledge by detailing how dynamic data structures are used in practice, using programming exercises and programming projects on such topics as C structures, pointers, link lists and trees.
2021-10-30 01:44:43 8.55MB Linux
2021-10-28 20:09:07 149.62MB neo4j
Wicked Cool Shell Scripts: 101 Scripts for Linux, Mac OS X, and Unix SystemsThis cookbook of useful, customizable, and fun scripts gives you the tools to solve common Linux, Mac OS X and UNIX problems and personalize your computing environment.Table of Contents Wicked Cool Shell Scripts—101 Scripts for Linux, Mac OS X, and Unix Systems Introduction Chapter 1 - The Missing Code Library Chapter 2 - Improving on User Commands Chapter 3 - Creating Utilities Chapter 4 - Tweaking Unix Chapter 5 - System Administration: Managing Users Chapter 6 - System Administration: System Maintenance Chapter 7 - Web and Internet Users Chapter 8 - Webmaster Hacks Chapter 9 - Web and Internet Administration Chapter 10 - Internet Server Administration Chapter 11 - Mac OS X Scripts Chapter 12 - Shell Script Fun and Games Afterword Index List of Figures List of Tables
2021-10-28 17:02:37 1.44MB posix sh
nexus是一个强大的maven仓库管理器,它极大的简化了本地内部仓库的维护和外部仓库的访问.如果你使用Maven,你可以从Maven中央仓库 下载所需要的构件(artifact),但这通常不是一个好的做法,你应该在本地架设一个Maven仓库服务器,在代理远程仓库的同时维护本地仓库,以节省带宽和时间,Nexus就可以满足这样的需要。此外,他还提供了强大的仓库管理功能,构件搜索功能,它基于REST,友好的UI是一个extjs的REST客户端,它占用较少的内存,基于简单文件系统而非数据库。
2021-10-27 18:01:32 195.27MB maven仓库管理器 nexus nexus代理仓库
UNIX网络编程 卷1:套接字联网API(第3版),高清、完整的异步图书,绝对相当不错的资源,非常值得。供学习和参考。
2021-10-26 14:17:35 33.45MB C++
2021-10-25 18:06:08 183.95MB nexus
2021-10-23 16:39:04 979KB c/c++ unix/linux 嵌入式 GNU
2021-10-23 13:07:59 1.21MB UNIX 操作系统,自由操作系统手册
2021-10-23 09:05:16 97.29MB neo4j