Alpha:-仍处于大规模开发中,但应足够稳定以用于小型项目。 -功能包括基于OpenGL ES的场景图形系统,声音(静态和流式传输),输入处理程序,调度程序,异步作业队列等。 -支持的平台包括iOS,Android,OSX,Linux,Windows,HTML5(Emscripten)。
2021-04-29 17:05:22 18.31MB 开源软件
该项目旨在创建一个易于使用的快速游戏引擎。 它将支持在OpenGL和DirectX中进行渲染,并在Linux,Windows和Android上运行。 它甚至可以通过emscripten在带有WebGL的浏览器中运行。 它最初用于创建基于回合的3D多人角色扮演游戏,称为Heroquest。 现在,主要重点已经转移到创建便携式点击鼠标冒险系统和一些冒险游戏上。
2021-04-29 13:04:41 10.3MB 开源软件
2021-04-26 13:11:12 71B 游戏引擎
鼠皇—魔蝎狂战士采用安华高(Avago)A9500专业级激光游戏引擎,拥有最高5000DPI分辨率、12000FPS扫描速度,每秒150英寸最大速度,30G最大加速度,小于1mm启动距离,1080万像素每秒数据处理量。强劲的硬件性能与产品功能,让安华高A9500引擎得以在中高端游戏鼠标上广泛应用。各大外设厂商纷纷推出使用A9500引擎制作的游戏鼠标,罗技G9X、赛睿xai、雷柏V3、富勒X300等鼠标,以强劲的性能和良好的设计,成为无数玩家驰骋沙场时的掌中利器,全面满足不同玩家对鼠标速度方面的需求。 安华高A9500游戏级激光引擎采用独特的16Pin封装,针脚采用焊接方式与基板相连,引擎外观呈正方型,而非安华高常见的长方型设计。安华高A9500游戏级激光引擎内置激光光源及小型DSP数据处理芯片,能够实现硬件级别的X/Y轴采样率分别调节功能。 ADNS-9500框图 附件包含有线和无线鼠标原理图PDF文档、ADNS-9500数据手册 彩蛋:值此新年佳节来临之际,Avago(安华高)联合cirmall发红包雨了。 下载附件中的红包口令,有机会获得现金若干,先到先得!
2021-04-22 19:05:27 660KB 电路方案
Godot Engine 3.3 stable 64bit WIN
2021-04-22 11:01:39 33.8MB Godot 游戏开发 游戏引擎
2021-04-13 09:03:36 76B 游戏引擎 unity3d
Game Engine Architecture, Third Edition-游戏引擎架构(第三版).epub 3rd Edition Jason Gregory A K Peters/CRC Press Published August 17, 2018 Reference - 1240 Pages - 128 Color & 352 B/W Illustrations ISBN 9781138035454 - CAT# K31720 Description: Summary In this new and improved third edition of the highly popular Game Engine Architecture, Jason Gregory draws on his nearly two decades of experience at Midway, Electronic Arts and Naughty Dog to present both the theory and practice of game engine software development. In this book, the broad range of technologies and techniques used by AAA game studios are each explained in detail, and their roles within a real industrial-strength game engine are illustrated. New to the Third Edition This third edition offers the same comprehensive coverage of game engine architecture provided by previous editions, along with updated coverage of: computer and CPU hardware and memory caches, compiler optimizations, C++ language standardization, the IEEE-754 floating-point representation, 2D user interfaces, plus an entirely new chapter on hardware parallelism and concurrent programming. This book is intended to serve as an introductory text, but it also offers the experienced game programmer a useful perspective on aspects of game development technology with which they may not have deep experience. As always, copious references and citations are provided in this edition, making it an excellent jumping off point for those who wish to dig deeper into any particular aspect of the game development process. Key Features Covers both the theory and practice of game engine software development Examples are grounded in specific technologies, but discussion extends beyond any particular engine or API. Includes all mathematical background needed. Comprehensive text for beginners and also has content for senior engineers. Table of Contents Getting Started. Getting the Target Ready. Using the Target. Are we there yet? Putting it all Together. Fi
2021-04-12 20:07:20 26.53MB Game Engine Architecture 引擎
LibGDX测试RPG游戏(用于测试一些libGDX功能) 执照 我的代码是根据Apache 2.0许可获得许可的,但是我的财产不属于我自己! 每个资产都有其自己的许可证,您可以在特定资产目录中找到它,每个资产目录(包含来自外部作者和特定许可证的资产)都包含一个LICENSE或README文件。 另请参阅LICENSE和CONTRIBUTORS.md文件! 展示柜 灯光: 环境光(无照明):
2021-04-09 20:38:59 146.89MB game java gamedev opengl
世界,您好,感谢您观看我的游戏。 这是使用基于GODOT引擎开发的基于文本的MUD的“英雄”,目前正在开发中。 如果您想编写自己的发行版或有任何疑问,请与我联系。 贡献者:Shar,Austin,Sami
2021-04-06 17:18:52 62KB game mud text-based gdscript