2021-08-24 09:23:17 4.3MB #资源达人分享计划# 可信AI
自动驾驶存在单车智能自动驾驶(Autonomous Driving,AD)和车路协同自动驾驶(Vehicle-Infrastructure Cooperated Autonomous Driving,VICDA)两种技术路线。车路协同是单车智能的高级发展形式,能让自动驾驶行车更安全、行驶范围更广泛、落地更经济。
2021-08-23 13:19:09 36.3MB #资源达人分享计划# 自动驾驶
2021-08-23 13:19:08 11.86MB #资源达人分享计划# 大脑发育图谱
This is a shared library for Android, iOS, OSX, Windows, Linux and webGL to decompress 7z (7zip) files and to compress/decompress zip/gzip (.zip/.gz), LZ4 (.lz4), brotli (.br), fastLZ files and buffers. ZIP plugin: iOS/tvOS compilation may require to add the -lz linking flag at Build Settings-> Linking- > Other Linker flags on xcode. webGL for flz,lzma & lz4 supports buffers compression/decompression only. Brotli supports buffer decompression. webGL for zip supports all functions except those that require file system operations. 7ZIP section: The library serves the scope to have fast decompression of 7z files and compress/decompress lzma files and buffers. - The library does 7z decompression and not 7z compression. Compression of lzma alone files is supported. Passwords are not supported. - It is about 2.5x times faster then using a c# implementation for 7z decompression. - You can extract a single file out of the 7z archive. - If you intend to decompress large files it would be better to use the largeFiles flag.(consumes less ram) - You can extract the contents of the 7z file keeping its folder structure. - Ability to get the filenames and file sizes of files in a 7z archive. - get progress of extraction when the 7zip archive has multiple files. - get byte level progress of 7z decompression (single or multiple files). - get byte level progress of lzma compression/decompression. - Ability to encode/decode to/from .lzma alone format. - Ability to decode a specific file in a 7z archive to a byte buffer. - Ability to decode/encode a byte buffer to/from the lzma alone format. - Ability to cancel the decompression when the 7z archive has multiple entries.
2021-08-23 13:18:02 121B unity 资源达人分享计划
机器阅读理解(MRC)旨在教机器阅读和理解人类语言,这是自然语言处理(NLP)的长期目标。随着深度神经网络的爆发和上下文语言模型(contextualized language models-CLM)的发展,MRC的研究经历了两个重大突破。作为一种现象,MRC和CLM对NLP社区有很大的影响。
命名实体识别(Named Entity Recognition,NER)作为自然语言处理领域经典的研究主题,是智能问答、知识图谱等任务的基础技术。领域命名实体识别(Domain Named Entity Recognition,DNER)是面向特定领域的NER方案。
2021-08-22 13:16:40 928KB #资源达人分享计划# 中文NER
2021-08-21 14:02:09 4KB 注册表 资源达人分享计划
2021-08-21 14:01:14 4KB 资源达人分享计划