2021-07-19 09:02:38 1.21MB 行业分类-物理装置-EPMA-W
2021-07-19 00:01:51 21KB 凸透镜成像
2017CT 系统参数标定及成像数学建模论文,内有CT 系统参数标定及成像的详解,都是非常好的论文。
2021-07-18 12:14:41 8.07MB 数学建模   论文精选
2021-07-17 15:29:31 12.43MB matlab ECS SAR 成像算法
杨玉平,张振著 第一章:太赫兹辐射理论概要 第二章:太赫兹时域光谱技术 第三章:衍射受限太赫兹成像 第四章:超衍射受限太赫兹成像 第五章:THz成像技术的应用 附录A:闪锌矿晶体作为辐射源和探测晶体 附录B:材料参数提取的原理及方法 附录C:Gouy相移
2021-07-17 11:13:02 31.59MB 太赫兹成像 太赫兹 时域光谱技术
2021-07-16 16:11:33 863KB 三次相位编码板,成像解码
版本号:v1.3 1、显示热成像图像,显示原始图像和插值以后的图像 2、设置补偿系数 3、调节高斯滤波效果 4、多种色阶可以选择 5、串口通信,轮询每一帧图像 6、单独显示最大值,最小值,器件温度 7、增加串口波特率修改功能并可以掉电保存
2021-07-15 19:57:01 6.17MB 嵌入式 上位机 热成像 海曼
SPM,即统计参数图,也是这个软件的最终输出,它是由英国伦敦大学的 Friston教授等人在通用数学软件包Matlab基础上开发的软件系统,其统计功能非常强大,设计这个软件包的初衷是采用统计的方法来处理fMRI,PET和 SPECT的数据。用SPM进行数据处理分析过程主要分为两大部分:预处理过程和统计分析过程。
2021-07-15 12:03:23 12.64MB 医学影像处理 SPM 统计分析 脑成像
LYC-HM3232热成像人脸测温模块和热成像测温摄像头说明书 ,测温模块使用说明
2021-07-15 12:01:23 593KB LYC-HM3232热成像人脸测
Photoacoustic tomography (PAT) is an emerging biomedical imaging modality that combines the high-contrast and spectroscopic-based specificity of optical imaging with the high spatial resolution of ultrasound imaging in a single modality. By listening to light, PAT detects tissue-absorbed photons ultrasonically through the photoacoustic effect. Since ultrasonic scattering is two to three orders of magnitude weaker than optical scattering in tissue, PAT breaks the 2–4 mm spatial resolution limit associated with pure optical tomography such as diffuse optical tomography (DOT) for deep tissue imaging, or the ~1 mm depth limit associated with confocal and multiphoton microscopy and optical coherent tomography (OCT). In PAT, tissue is excited with a short (typically a few nanoseconds) laser pulse (focused or unfocused); the subsequent laser-induced transient photoacoustic waves in the range of 1–100 MHz, due to the transient thermoelastic expansion of light-absorbing components in tissue, are detected by wideband unfocused or focused ultrasound transducer(s). Unique advantages of PAT are that functional or biochemical parameters such as deoxy-hemoglobin (HbR), oxy-hemoglobin (HbO2), water (H2O), lipids, and so forth along with vasculature and blood flow can be imaged in high resolution. In addition, highly specific molecular PAT can be realized through the use of molecular contrast agents. Finally, PAT can be made portable for bedside applications, is economical, and uses non-ionization radiation.
2021-07-15 11:50:16 44.09MB 光声成像 photoacoustic