We present a full three-dimensional, featured-data algorithm for time-domain fluorescence diffuse optical tomography that inverts the Laplace-transformed time-domain coupled diffusion equations and employs a pair of appropriate transform-factors to effectively separate the fluorescent yield and life
2021-02-10 16:05:41 620KB 荧光扩散 特征数据 时域 图像重建
TSBCC: Time Series-Based Congestion Control Algorithm for Wireless Network
2021-02-10 16:05:40 733KB 研究论文
Digital radiography (DR) and whole-body fluorescent optical imaging (WFOI) have been widely applied in the field of molecular imaging, with the advantages in tissues and functional imaging. The integration of them contributes to the development and discovery of medicine. We introduce an equipment, performance of which is better than that of another molecular imaging system manufactured by Kodak Corp. It can take real-time small animal imaging in vivo, with lower cost and shorter development cycl
2021-02-10 16:05:39 395KB 分子成像 透射成像 全域荧光 LabVIEW
Research on Time Synchronization and Flow Aggregation in LDDoS Attack Based on Cross-correlation
2021-02-09 14:06:12 800KB 研究论文
The trade-off between system performance and energy efficiency (service time) is critical for battery-based embedded systems. Most of the previous work focuses on saving energy in a deterministic way by taking the average or worst scenario into account. However, such deterministic approaches usually
2021-02-09 09:06:59 536KB Probabilistic scheduling; real-time embedded
Design of particle swarm optimization with random flying time
2021-02-09 09:06:34 714KB 研究论文
2021-02-08 15:03:50 627KB 定时器 qt
物体缺陷检测仪 细节 目标操作系统: Ubuntu * 18.04 LTS 程式语言: C ++ 完成时间: 30分钟 介绍 物体探伤仪应用程序可检测异常情况,例如颜色,裂纹和在传送带上移动的物体的方向。 异常被标记为有缺陷,并分别保存在颜色,裂纹,方向文件夹中。 同样,没有缺陷的对象也保存在no_defect文件夹中。 这些异常数据将发送到InfluxDB *数据库并在Grafana *上可视化。 此应用程序还以毫米为单位测量对象的长度和宽度。 要求 硬件 软件 英特尔:registered:OpenVINO:trade_mark:工具包2020 R3发行版 英特尔:registered:System Studio 2019 这个怎么运作 此应用程序接受来自摄像机或视频文件的输入以进行处理。 方向缺陷检测:获取框架并将色彩空间更改为HSV格式。 使用函数基于对象的颜色来阈值图像以创建遮罩。 在遮罩上执行形态学打开和关闭,并使用函数查找轮廓
2021-02-08 10:03:48 3.98MB machine-learning real-time video computer-vision
2021-02-07 16:06:54 14.77MB 数据库
Quantum network communication: a discrete-time quantum-walk approach
2021-02-07 12:06:38 460KB 研究论文