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本书详尽地介绍了计算机安全的理论与实践,阐释了该领域最基本和最普遍的知识,包括计算机安全的本质和面临的挑战,策略与安全的关系,密码学的角色与应用,策略实现机制,保障技术和方法学,脆弱性分析和入侵检测等。同时把计算机系统、网络、人为因素和密码学等概念融为一体,本书可作为信息安全、计算机等相关专业本科生、研究生的教科书和学习参考书,也可作为维护网络和计算机系统安全的管理人员、信息安全技术开发人员的工具书和参考书。 The importance of computer security has increased dramatically during the past few years. Bishop provides a monumental reference for the theory and practice of computer security. This is a textbook intended for use at the advanced undergraduate and introductory graduate levels, non-University training courses, as well as reference and self-study for security professionals. Comprehensive in scope, this covers applied and practical elements, theory, and the reasons for the design of applications and security techniques. Bishop treats the management and engineering issues of computer. Excellent examples of ideas and mechanisms show how disparate techniques and principles are combined (or not) in widely-used systems. Features a distillation of a vast number of conference papers, dissertations and books that have appeared over the years, providing a valuable synthesis. This book is acclaimed for its scope, clear and lucid writing, and its combination of formal and theoretical aspects with real systems, technologies, techniques, and policies. Preface Goals Philosophy Organization Roadmap Dependencies Background UndergraduateLevel GraduateLevel Practitioners SpecialAcknowledgment Acknowledgments PART1:INTRODUCTION ChapterIAnOverviewofComputerSecurity 1.1TheBasicComponents 1.2Threats 1.3PolicyandMechanism 1.4AssumptionsandTrust 1.5Assurance 1.6OperationalIssues 1.7HumanIssues 1.8TyingItAllTogether 1.9Summary 1.10ResearchIssues 1.11FurtherReading 1.12Exercises PART2:FOUNDATIONS Chapter2AccessControlMatrix 2.1ProtectionState 2.2AccessControlMatrixModel 2.3ProtectionStateTransitions 2.4Copying,Owning,andtheAttenuationofPrivilege 2.5Summary 2.6ResearchIssues 2.7FurtherReading 2.8Exercises Chapter3FoundationalResults 3.1TheGeneralQuestion 3.2BasicResults 3.3TheTake-GrantP
2020-12-22 21:18:32 9.16MB 计算机安全 理论 PDF
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