1. 初识Go语言 1.1 Go语言介绍 1.1.1 Go语言是什么 2009年11月10日,Go语言正式成为开源编程语言家庭的一员。 Go语言(或称Golang)是云计算时代的C语言。Go语言的诞生是为了让程序员有更高的生产效率,Go语言专门针对多处理器系统应用程序的编程进行了优化,使用Go编译的程序可以媲美C或C++代码的速度,而且更加安全、支持并行进程。 开发人员在为项目选择语言时,不得不在快速开发和性能之间做出选择。C和C++这类语言提供了很快的执行速度,而 Ruby 和 Python 这类语言则擅长快速开发。Go语言在这两者间架起了桥梁,不仅提供了高性能的语言,同时也让开发更快速。
2019-12-21 19:36:53 4.95MB go golang 开发实战
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2019-12-21 19:36:33 6KB golang
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Go represents an attempt to improve on some weaknesses of traditional compiled programming languages. It de-emphasizes or removes error-prone language structures like class inheritance and exception handling. It features great concurrency support and automatic memory management (garbage collection). Existing Go books tend to be highly technical in nature, teaching all aspects of the language regardless of their relevance to beginners. This book, rather than talking about the features of Go in abstract terms, features simple, clear examples that demonstrate Go in action, and diagrams to explain difficult concepts. This book will not only teach developers basic language features, it will get them comfortable consulting error output, documentation, and search engines to find solutions to problems. It will teach all the conventions and techniques that employers expect an entry-level Go developer to know.
2019-12-21 18:55:15 47.84MB Go golang
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