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2021-07-18 21:05:41 14.21MB GPU 高性能运算 CUDA
open pose1.5.1官方原版,已经编译好了,WIN10,CUDA10.0,CUDnn7.5,打开可以直接用,并且python库链接也编译了,可以调用。
2021-07-16 14:53:20 564.23MB openpose gpu版 深度学习姿态估计
AMD GPU用户的福音。用AMD GPU学习人工智能吧。 pytorch 1.4 on ROCM 3.1 for ubuntu 18.04, ROCM 版本 3.1 预编译版本,直接pip install xxxx.whl 使用,省事省力。提前安装好rocm平台驱动。
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1、VMware GPU虚拟化部署实施; 2、相关组件及驱动下载地址;
1、详解介绍了VMware GPU虚拟化的全流程操作,包括申请License、创建企业账号、安装License Server、安装Esxi GPU驱动、配置客户机操作系统及激活; 2、详细介绍了N卡及Getforce卡,如何使用GPU直通配置; 3、附带最新的Esxi主机显卡驱动、虚拟机Guest OS显卡驱动、管理员手册、实施手册、License Server下载地址;
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补丁匹配 适用于python的PatchMatch算法。 目前支持CPU和GPU(使用pycuda)。 参见Scratch.ipynb的演示和用法
GPU Pro 360 Guide to Shadows-Wolfgang Engel-2019.pdf September 26, 2019 Author: Wolfgang Engel Pub Date: 2019 ISBN: 978-0815382478 Pages: 244 Language: English Format: PDF Size: 77 Mb Wolfgang Engel’s GPU Pro 360 Guide to Shadows gathers all the cutting-edge information from his previous seven GPU Pro volumes into a convenient single source anthology that covers various algorithms that are used to generate shadow data. This volume is complete with 15 articles by leading programmers that focus on achieving good visual results in rendering shadows. GPU Pro 360 Guide to Shadows is comprised of ready-to-use ideas and efficient procedures that can help solve many computer graphics programming challenges that may arise. Key Features: Presents tips & tricks on real-time rendering of special effects and visualization data on common consumer software platforms such as PCs, video consoles, mobile devices Covers specific challenges involved in creating games on various platforms Explores the latest developments in rapidly evolving field of real-time rendering Takes practical approach that helps graphics programmers solve their daily challenges
2021-07-14 20:37:56 76.35MB GPU 360Guide Wolfgang Engel