将SqlServer数据库迁移到oracle通过sqldeveloper工具进行迁移,具体的迁移步骤可以参考我博客:https://blog.csdn.net/menghuannvxia/article/details/81092429 自己已经执行成功,希望可以帮到大家
2021-05-15 16:37:41 170.57MB sqlserver sqldeveloper jtds-1.2.2-d oracle
2021-05-15 12:20:05 197KB ole转换工
2021-05-15 09:03:24 26.68MB 视频格式
1、可以输入dBm转换mW 2、可以输入mW转换dBm 3、可以输入mW和响应度计算电流 4、可以输入dBm和响应度计算电流 5、可以输入mW和电流计算响应度 6、可以输入dBm和电流计算响应度 7、可以输入电流和响应度计算mW和dBm
2021-05-14 17:03:10 75KB 光功率 响应度 光功率计算器
工具使用介绍: 1. 安装jdk,配置相应的jdk环境变量; 2. 将附件中的两个文件,放在同一个目录下即可。 3. 双击TestlinkConvert.bat,启动该工具;(注意:双击TestlinkConvert.java启动工具,转换的时候会出现编码错误) 文件介绍: 4. 从testlink中导出测试套件或测试用例(xml文件),使用上述工具将xml文件转换成格式合适的excel文件; 5. 按照指定格式在excel中编写测试用例(格式与第4点中转换得到的excel格式一致即可),使用上述工具将excel转换成符合testlink规范的xml文件,然后再将xml文件导入到testlink的指定套件下即可(以导入测试用例的形式导入)
2021-05-14 11:12:13 939KB 转换工具
2021-05-13 12:40:57 290KB 坐标转换 GPS 投影
There is an excellent converter (fr3tofrx.exe) that will convert the file to the newer .frx format. It does not do eveything. You will need to redo all your scripting (.net now instead of vb or c++). Also, the way that data is handled is quite different. You need to create data sources differently, but as long as you name them the same as your old datasources, you don't need to change any of your text objects. I had a report that had several hundred text objects and it converted quite easily. I really did not want to redo it from scratch! There was little scripting on it and a lot of what was there can now be handled with properties of the textobject (and highlighting), things like that. ========================= To convert old .fr3 files to a new .frx format, do this: - download the latest version of FastReport 4 (you can even use the trial version) - add the "frxSaveFRX" unit into your uses list - run report designer, go "File|Save as...", choose the file type - "FastReport.Net file". This converter does not perform 100% conversion; you need to change the .frx file. The following items are not converted: - script (you need to convert pascal code to c# code) - expressions (you need to convert pascal functions like Copy, Pos, ... to C# functions) - data fields (add datasources, replace with [ ], remove " " around field name) - totals (you have to replace aggregate functions like Sum, Min, Max with totals - you need to create the total in the "Data" window) - charts and vertical bands are not converted - cross-tab is not converted
2021-05-13 09:10:54 2.08MB fr3 frx fastreport 转换
GPSspg xGeocoding 工具,大批量地址经纬度解析转换工具。地址与经纬度相互解析 地址解析经纬度,商户名解析经纬度,经纬度解析地址,甚至可以将经纬度再次反解析出地址以便对比。大批量自动化。 各大地图经纬度相互转换 从某一地图坐标转换至另一地图坐标。支持经纬度类型:Google Earth, Google Maps, 百度地图,腾讯地图,高德地图,图吧地图。 单点查看与人工审核、修正坐标结果 你可以在地图上查看单点结果位置,如果位置不正确,你可以通过点击地图或搜索产生新的坐标提交修正结果。
2021-05-13 09:05:36 1.23MB XGeocoding_v2 地图 经纬度
Visual Studio版本转换器,解决方案版本,非发布exe程序。
2021-05-13 09:03:53 434KB asp visual studio c#