2021-10-13 16:30:14 88KB 本科生复习题
Cache的命中率 命中率(Hit Rate):高速命中的概率 cache/主存系统的平均访问时间ta: ta=htc+(1-h)tm tc=命中时的cache访问时间 tm=未命中时的主存访问时间 h=命中率 Nc=cache完成存取的总次数 Nm=主存完成存取的总次数 h= Nc Nc +Nm
2021-10-13 12:26:08 1.09MB 组成原理
利用单片机设计一个红绿灯,实现了数显倒计时与灯光变换,其中30秒红灯,25秒绿灯,5秒黄灯,实现东西与南北灯光变换,符合红绿灯逻辑。(所有时间也可以修改。) 芯片采用:MSP430F249、74HC573 交通灯采用:trafficlight组件 数显采用:两位数共阴极的数码管 配套博文预览效果:https://blog.csdn.net/air__Heaven/article/details/120481520
2021-10-13 11:02:54 164KB 单片机 交通灯 计算机组成原理 C
2021-10-13 00:22:15 221KB 组成原理
命中率、缺失率、缺失损失 Hit: 要访问的信息在Cache中 Hit Rate(命中率):在Cache中的概率 Hit Time (命中时间) :在Cache中的访问时间,包括: Time to determine hit/miss + Cache access time (即: 判断时间 + Cache访问) Miss: 要找的信息不在Cache中 Miss Rate (缺失率) = 1 - (Hit Rate) Miss Penalty (缺失损失):访问一个主存块所花时间 Hit Time << Miss Penalty (Why?) * A HIT is when the data the processor wants to access is found in the upper level (Blk X). The fraction of the memory access that are HIT is defined as HIT rate. HIT Time is the time to access the Upper Level where the data is found (X). It consists of: (a) Time to access this level. (b) AND the time to determine if this is a Hit or Miss. If the data the processor wants cannot be found in the Upper level. Then we have a miss and we need to retrieve the data (Blk Y) from the lower level. By definition (definition of Hit: Fraction), the miss rate is just 1 minus the hit rate. This miss penalty also consists of two parts: (a) The time it takes to replace a block (Blk Y to BlkX) in the upper level. (b) And then the time it takes to deliver this new block to the processor. It is very important that your Hit Time to be much much smaller than your miss penalty. Otherwise, there will be no reason to build a memory hierarchy. +2 = 14 min. (X:54)
2021-10-12 22:39:40 4.81MB 南航考研
2021-10-12 12:04:15 1.2MB 系统架构设计师
计算机组成原理学习指导与习题解答 唐朔飞 高等教育出版社
2021-10-11 14:07:30 10.3MB 计算机 组成原理 学习指导 习题解答
2021-10-11 14:00:18 62KB 技术
重庆大学计算机组成原理期末复习题 做做绝对有好处
2021-10-11 13:05:05 173KB 计算机组成原理 期末复习题
2021-10-11 08:52:33 2.47MB 计算机组成原理 白中英