I will first introduce the necessary concepts and tools of verification, then I'll describe a process for planning and carrying out an effective functional verification of a design. I will also introduce the concept of coverage models that can be used in a coveragedriven verification process. It will be necessary to cover some VHDL and Verilog language semantics that are often overlooked or oversimplified in textbooks intent on describing the synthesizeable subset. These unfamiliar semantics become important in understanding what makes a wellimplemented and robust testbench and in providing the necessary control and monitor features. Once these new semantics are understood in a familiar language, the same semantics are presented in new verification-oriented languages. I will also present techniques for applying stimulus and monitoring the response of a design, by abstracting the physical-level transac-tions into high-level procedures using bus-functional models. The architecture of testbenches built around these bus-functional models is important to create a layer of abstraction relevant to the function being verified and to minimize development and maintenance effort. I also show some strategies for making testbenches selfchecking. Creating random testbenches involves more than calling the random() function in whatever language is used to implement them. I will show how random stimulus generators, built on top of busfunctional models, can be architected and designed to be able to produce the desired stimulus patterns. Random generators must be easily externally constrained to increase the likelihood that a set of interesting patterns will be generated. Behavioral modeling is another important concept presented in this book. It is used to parallelize the implementation and verification of a design and to perform more efficient simulations. For many, behavioral modeling is synonymous with synthesizeable or RTL modeling. In this book, the term "behavioral" is used to
2021-11-03 14:34:32 35.19MB HDL Testbench
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Formal Verification: Too Good to Miss
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Verification Methodology Manual for Low Power (VMM-LP) 2009
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cocotb是基于协程的协同仿真库,用于用Python编写VHDL和Verilog测试平台。 阅读 参与其中: (需要GitHub帐户) 安装 当前的cocotb稳定版本要求: Python 3.5+ C ++ 11编译器 HDL模拟器(例如 , , 或) 安装这些依赖项后,可以使用pip安装最新的稳定版本的cocotb。 pip install cocotb 有关安装的更多详细信息,包括前提条件,请参阅。 有关如何安装cocotb的开发版本的详细信息,请参阅。 !!! 总线和测试平台组件!!! 可重用的总线接口和测试平台组件最近已移至软件包。 您可以通过添加bus Extra安装来轻松地与cocotb同时安装它们: pip install cocotb[bus] 。 用法 作为对cocotb的第一个简单介绍,下面的示例“测试”触发器。 首先,我们需要可以测试的硬件设
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vera:用于验证,分析和转换C ++源代码的可编程工具
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