2021-08-22 00:27:26 871KB python jupyter-notebook molecular-dynamics openmm
SwiftUI by Tutorials(iOS13,Swift5.1,包括源码,PDF,EPUB) Ps:本资源来自网络,如有侵权或者损害您的利益,请联系csdn删除或者我进行私密.
2021-08-06 14:25:35 101.03MB iOS Swift
开发人员教程 - SAP 移动开发工具包 此存储库中提供的示例引用了 SAP 开发人员中心上列出的 MDK 教程。 :pushpin: 描述 这些示例资源在更大的应用程序上下文中演示了移动开发工具包 (MDK) 的各种组件和功能,并提供了开发人员教程中引用的示例。 样本包括: 如何快速开始使用移动开发工具包 (MDK) 如何创建 MDK 在线/离线应用 如何添加 CRUD(创建、读取、更新和删除)功能。 如何在本地存储数据,对本地数据库(离线存储)进行一些交易,将更改上传到后端 如何添加客户端验证规则 如何从 MDK 应用程序实现深层链接以打开已安装的应用程序,例如 SAP Mobile Cards、SAP Fiori Client 或如何打开网页 如何上传客户端日志、启用推送通知、添加样式、处理错误存档、OData 注释、本地化和国际化。 如何创建您的品牌 MDK 客户端 使用云构建服务 使
2021-08-04 22:04:42 3.35MB sample mobile tutorials sample-code
This is a graduate textbook of advanced tutorials on the theory of cryptography and computational complexity. In particular, the chapters explain aspects of garbled circuits, public-key cryptography, pseudorandom functions, one-way functions, homomorphic encryption, the simulation proof technique, and the complexity of differential privacy. Most chapters progress methodically through motivations, foundations, definitions, major results, issues surrounding feasibility, surveys of recent developments, and suggestions for further study. This book honors Professor Oded Goldreich, a pioneering scientist, educator, and mentor. Oded was instrumental in laying down the foundations of cryptography, and he inspired the contributing authors, Benny Applebaum, Boaz Barak, Andrej Bogdanov, Iftach Haitner, Shai Halevi, Yehuda Lindell, Alon Rosen, and Salil Vadhan, themselves leading researchers on the theory of cryptography and computational complexity. The book is appropriate for graduate tutorials and seminars, and for self-study by experienced researchers, assuming prior knowledge of the theory of cryptography.
2021-07-29 10:27:32 4.42MB 密码学基础
RabbitMQ 教程(7种模式的使用) 翻译软件翻译,存在一定量的错误,请慎重下载 RPC 模式未进行翻译 原文档地址:
2021-07-26 20:12:01 855KB RabbitMQ RabbitMQ教程 RabbitMQ中文文档
ANSYS CFD-Post官方例子讲义,详细讲解了ANSYS CFD后处理的操作步骤和方法,是学习CFD-Post的必备资料。
2021-07-25 20:02:51 1.84MB CFD-Post ANSYS
ANSYS CFX官方讲义和实例操作演示讲义,学习旋转机械仿真CFX的官方参考资料
2021-07-25 20:02:51 10.96MB CFX ANSYS
ANSYS Icepak 官方讲义,详细讲解了电池仿真的方法和操作步骤,是学习Icepak仿真不错的资料。
2021-07-25 20:02:51 33.92MB Icepak ANSYS
Machine_Learning_by_Tutorials_v0.2 Get started with Machine Learning for Apple and iOS! (Ray wenderlich 出品)
2021-07-24 19:54:38 74.63MB iOS
2021-07-18 11:06:59 70.88MB gluon代码