《Ray Tracing from the Ground Up》, chapter16, shadow。所有代码移植到Codeblocks。同时包含个人的测试图形。
2019-12-21 20:07:57 1013KB ray_tracing ground_up shadow
raytracegroundup_v2.5_PathTace_CornellBox_20170316 采用Path Tracing算法生成Cornell Box。 内含多种采样次数的对比测试图形。
2019-12-21 20:07:57 1.99MB Path_Tracing Cornell_Box 全局光照
An Introduction to Ray Tracing
2019-12-21 19:35:26 3.85MB An Introduction to Ray
Ray Tracing in a Weekend的第二本,作者是Peter Shirley。作者在Google网盘上公开了下载。绝对的好资源,众多大佬推荐计算机图形学入门书。
2019-12-21 19:32:43 4.9MB Shader Ray Tracing ComputerGrap
This book is all about DTrace, with the emphasis on using DTrace to understand, observe, and diagnose systems and applications. A deep understanding of the details of how DTrace works is not necessary to using DTrace to diagnose and solve problems; thus, the book covers using DTrace on systems and applications, with command-line examples and a great many D scripts. Depending on your level of experience, we intend the book’s organization to facilitate its use as a reference guide, allowing you to refer to specific chapters when diagnosing a particular area of the system or application.
2019-12-21 19:28:20 11.81MB DTrace
20170218:将chapter 15:Specular Reflection(Phong)相关的代码移植上来,并生成chapter 15对应的图形; 20170217:将《ray tracing from the ground up》的部分代码移植到CodeBlocks。生成的图形对应书本chapter 14: Lights and materials;
2019-12-21 18:51:12 1.27MB ray_tracing ground_up chapter_15 codeblocks