2022-01-08 19:51:57 37KB JupyterNotebook
使用IBM QX掌握量子计算 这是Packt发布的“ 的代码库。 通过在IBM QX上实现量子程序来学习量子计算,并处于下一轮计算革命的最前沿 这本书是关于什么的? 量子计算将颠覆整个行业。 IBM Research首次向公众公开了量子计算,从而可以从任何台式机或移动设备对IBM QX进行云访问。 本书配有最先进的实用示例,可​​帮助您了解量子计算在现实世界中的强大功能。 本书涵盖以下激动人心的功能: 研究量子计算的核心概念和原理 发现可以应用量子原理的领域 具有量子逻辑的设计程序 了解量子计算机如何执行计算 与包括Shor算法和Grover算法在内的关键量子计算算法一起工作,具有分析行业中量子计算潜力的能力 如果您觉得这本书适合您,请立即获取! 说明和导航 所有代码都组织在文件夹中。 例如,Chapter01。 该代码将如下所示: from qiskit.tools.vis
2022-01-06 21:56:01 979KB JupyterNotebook
This is a book on the mathematical theory of quantum information, focusing on a formal presentation of definitions, theorems, and proofs. It is primarily intended for graduate students and researchers having some familiarity with quantum information and computation, such as would be covered in an introductory-level undergraduate or graduate course, or in one of several books on the subject that now exist. Quantum information science has seen an explosive development in recent years, particularly within the past two decades. A comprehensive treatment of the subject, even if restricted to its theoretical aspects, would certainly require a series of books rather than just one. Consistent with this fact, the selection of topics covered herein is not intended to be fully representative of the subject. Quantum error correction and fault-tolerance, quantum algorithms and complexity theory, quantum cryptography, and topological quantum computation are among the many interesting and fundamental topics found within the theoretical branches of quantum information science that are not covered in this book. Nevertheless, one is likely to encounter some of the core mathematical notions discussed in this book when studying these topics.
2022-01-06 12:29:06 2.36MB Quantum mathematical
Loops,Kknots, Gauge Theories and Quantum Gravity Loops,Kknots, Gauge Theories and Quantum Gravity Loops,Kknots, Gauge Theories and Quantum Gravity
2021-12-22 14:47:31 2.41MB Modern Physics
Practical Statecharts in C C++ Quantum Programming for Embedded Systems(嵌入式系统的微模块化程序设计-实用状态图C\C++实现)英文原版PDF,以及随书光盘。内附书籍源码和配套的软件和资源工具等。
2021-12-11 22:29:20 12MB 嵌入式系统 状态机编程
2021-11-30 10:58:37 1.59MB 经典量子力学教程
努梅罗夫 python脚本,用于解一维时间独立的Schrodinger方程的束缚态。 该脚本使用Numerov方法来求解微分方程,并显示所需的能级和带有这些能级中每一个的近似波动函数的图形。 跑步 要运行此代码,只需克隆此存储库并使用python运行Numerov.py脚本(需要numpy和matplotlib模块): $ git clone https://github.com/FelixDesrochers/Numerov/ $ cd Numerov $ python Numerov.py 然后程序将要求您输入要显示的能级数和所需的电势(确保电势大约位于x = 0的中心): $ >> Which first energy levels do you want (enter an integer) : 4 $ >> Potential (as a fonction of x):
Supriyo Datta的Quantum Transport:Atom To Transistor是量子输运领域的最经典著作。该资源含有书以及书中涉及的全部计算程序(Matlab语言编写)。
2021-11-27 23:25:51 3.08MB 量子输运
This book presents a systematic account of optical coherence theory within the framework of classical optics, as applied to such topics as radiation from sources of different states of coherence, foundations of radiometry, effects of source coherence on the spectra of radiated fields, coherence theory of laser modes, and scattering of partially coherent light by random media. The book starts with a full mathematical introduction to the subject area and each chapter concludes with a set of exercises. The authors are renowned scientists and have made substantial contributions to many of the topics treated in the book. Much of the book is based on courses given by them at universities, scientific meetings and laboratories throughout the world.
2021-11-27 02:01:18 44.91MB optics
2021-11-26 23:05:14 16.04MB Cohen Tannoudji Quantum Mechanics