POLYGON - Nature Pack 1.0f1(u5.6.5).unitypackage Unity 低多边形风格资源,包含了大量的自然风光
2021-08-31 11:58:47 86.35MB Unity Lowpoly Nature
基于阿里地图围栏数据,JAVA polygon实现离线经纬度逆地址解析省份城市信息 代码可能存在一些问题,仅作为思路验证和技术交流,笔记本上运行效率约 4W随机经纬度/秒
2021-08-31 09:09:32 661KB java 离线 经纬度解析城市
2021-08-26 21:16:36 433KB polygon tri
福鲁诺伊 V oronoi图的F ortune算法。 Foronoi是基于de Berg等人对“计算几何:算法和应用程序”的描述,是Fortune算法的Python实现。 此算法是扫掠线算法,它从上向下扫描单元点,并通过抛物线(弧)之间的断点来追踪线。 线收敛时,会发生一个圆形事件,该事件会插入一个新的顶点。 。 点安装 pip install foronoi 手动安装 首先,克隆存储库,然后安装软件包。 git clone https://github.com/Yatoom/foronoi.git cd foronoi python setup.py install 注意:您需要在大多数Linux发行版上使用sudo python3 setup.py install 。 用法示例 使用多边形作为边界框的示例。 from foronoi import Voronoi , Pol
2021-08-18 15:06:38 1.38MB python algorithm polygon fortune
2021-08-17 18:11:42 741KB 计算机图形学 裁剪 算法
一款低多边形资源包,包括角色、道具、武器、车辆和环境资源,以创建科幻主题的低多边形风格游戏。 模块部分可以很轻松地以各种方式组合。 (包括演示场景) 主要功能 - 509 unique assets with x24 alternative texture colors. 车辆 (x9) - 装甲卡车、经典款轿车、垃圾车、悬停自行车、复古轿车、Sweepo、未来款轿车、出租车、警车。 角色 (×20) - 外星人01、外星人02、女性机器人01、男性增强人01、警察01、赛博女性01、赛博男性02、赛博朋克男性01、赛博格忍者01、垃圾男性01、女性黑客01、全息女性01、毒瘾男性01、毒瘾女性01、男性医生01、男性和尚01、肌肉男01、男富豪01、女富豪01、机器人01。 (颜色可选) 武器 (x18) (带有各种附件) 特效 (x17) - 随附大量精彩内容(详情请参阅布局截图) - 角色设置为可与 Mecanim 一起使用(该资源包不包含动画) - 包括自定义着色器以与可脚本化渲染管线 (URP) 一起使用(在 Unity 2019.1 及更高版本中有效) Compatibility - 适用于 Unity 2017.1 及更高版本 - Support Universal Render Pipeline (URP) - URP Guide Here for Custom Shaders - 角色设置为可与 Mecanim 一起使用(该资源包不包含动画)
2021-07-26 11:07:25 121B unity shader polygon lowpoly
使用 Polygon、Solidity、IPFS 和 Next.js 构建的全栈 NFT 市场 运行这个项目 gitpod 要将此项目部署到 Gitpod,请执行以下步骤: 点击此链接进行部署 在pages/index.js 中,将 GitPod 给你的 RPC 地址传入到JsonRpcProvider函数的调用中: /* update this: */ const provider = new ethers . providers . JsonRpcProvider ( ) /* to this: */ const provider = new ethers . providers . JsonRpcProvider ( "https://8545-youendpoint.gitpod.io/" ) 将 GitPod 给你的 RPC 地址导入你的 MetaMask 钱包 本地
2021-07-24 11:04:03 519KB JavaScript
An Epic Low Poly asset pack of characters, props, weapons and environment assets to create a Fantasy themed polygonal style game. Modular sections are easy to piece together in a variety of combinations. OVER 1,118 Detailed prefabs are included with this pack. Key Features - Fully Modular Dungeons! - Includes a MASSIVE demo scene - (Character poses indicative only) Assets Characters (x19) Big Demon, Dwarf Casual Female, Dwarf Casual Male, Dwarf King, Dwarf Miner, Dwarf Soldier Female, Dwarf Soldier Male, Dwarf Worker, Hero Female, Hero Male, Nomad Female 01, Nomad Male 01, Nomad Female 02, Nomad Male 02, Nomad Male 03, Demon Skeleton 01, Demon Skeleton 02, Demon Skeleton 03 and Undead Knight. Character Attachments (x69) Ears, Faceplates (x2), Feather, Hair (x14), Hats, Headwrap, Shoulder Armor (x7), Hoods, Horns, Masks (x4), Neckwraps (x2), Turban, Animal Skull, Crown, Undead Head, Undead Helmet, Undead Skull, Bandana, Beards (x10), GasBag, GasMask, Helmets (x8), Environment (x480) Bones, Bramble, Well, Crystals, Dust, Balustrade, Beams, Floors, Forge, Gate, Grate, Lava, Wheel, Obelisk, Doors, Fireplace, Tunnels, Windows, Giant Golem, Grass, Hell Chains, Floating Rocks, Grounds, Ring, Rocks, Spikes, Mountains, Plants, Cliffs, Rubble, Sand, Waterfall, Shrine, Skull, Spider Web, Statue, Trees etc Buildings (x62) Walls, Towers, Tiles, Stairs, Pillars, Bridges, Archs, Tents etc. Props (x373) Anvil, Banners (x11), Barrel, Big Horn, Caliper, Basket, Beads, Chest, FlagLine, Hammock, Hanging Bag, Lantern, Plank, Platform, Pot, Roll Weapons (x81) Axes (x13), Knifves(x5), Mace (x7), Pack Axe, Shields (x8), Spears (x8), Staff (x6), Swords (x27), Hammer (x6) Vehicles (x2) Sand Boats (x2) FX (x32) Sparkle, Candel Flame, Cart Rail, Embers (x2) Dust (x2), Fires (x5), Gold Sparkle, Floating Rocks, Lava Bubbles, Lava Rocks (x3), Lava Steam (x2), Orb, Sand Waterfalls (x3) Sparks (x2), Steam (x2), Sun Shafts etc Compatibility - Works in
2021-07-23 21:06:21 121B unity polygon shader dungeon
Low poly asset pack of 239 unique models designed to have the ability to create massive amount of variations to meet the needs of your project Key Features - - 239 3d models, vertex painted - 4Kx2K HDR custom crafted panoramic skybox nebula texture - 3x ShaderGraph shaders allow you to easily customize models to get unique look - Demo scene of animated solar system to showcase some planet variations you can create - Uiversal Render Pipeline, mobile ready List of assets: - x100 exoplanets (1824 tris) - x30 barren planets (2400 tris) - x20 volcanic planets (3200 tris) - x30 crystal planets (4200-6500 tris) - x45 moons (760-1842) - x11 asteroid belts (576-1672 tris) - x3 rings (298-524 tris) - x1 Black Hole with accretion disc and customizable shader. Important: This asset is configured to be used with Universal Render Pipeline(URP), and LINEAR color space,don't forget to configure it using these simple instruction: 1. Import asset and Go to Edit-->Projects Setings-->Graphics 2. Click dot right to the Scriptable Render Pipeline Settings field and select UniversalRenderPipelineAsset from the list. 3.Go to Edit-->Player-->Other settings And set Color space from gamma to Linear. Done !
2021-07-23 21:06:20 121B unity shader polygon lowpoly