The problem of minimum number of choosability of graphs was first Vizing. It appears in some practical problems when concerning frequency.assignment. In this paper, we study two important list coloring, list edge coloring and.list total coloring. We prove that χl (G) = Δ and χl (G) = Δ
2021-02-07 12:05:51 310KB 研究论文
Let G be a planar graph with maximum degree Δ ≥ 8 and without chordal.5-cycles. Then χ l (G) = Δ and χ l (G) = Δ + 1.
2021-02-07 12:05:49 344KB 研究论文
Total coloring of planar graphs without adjacent short cycles
2021-02-07 12:05:48 371KB 研究论文
:direct_hit: 关于这个项目 Football Passing Networks是一个交互式Web应用程序,用于探索足球Passing Networks上的数据可视化。 :globe_with_meridians: 网站 :soccer_ball: 关于传递网络 :books: 文件 Pappalardo,L.,Cintia,P.,Rossi,A。等。 科学数据6,236. 2019。 BuldúJM,Busquets J,MartínezJ​​H,Herrera-Diestra JL,Echegoyen I,Galeano J和Luque J(2018)。 面前。 Psychol。 9:1900 Buldú,JM,Busquets,J.,Echegoyen,I。等。 Sci Rep 9,13602,2019。 Gonçalves,Bruno和Coutinho,Diogo和Santos,Sara和Peñas,Carlos和Saiz,Sergio和Sampaio,Jaime。 一等奖。 2017年12月12日。 Korte F,Link D,Groll J
2021-01-29 20:10:51 224.6MB clojure clojurescript graphs network-science
2021-01-28 22:15:47 4.72MB algorithm graphs pattern-recognition graph-matching
Despite the increasing use of computers, the basic need for mathematical tables continues. Tables serve a vital role in preliminary surveys of problems before programming for machine operation, and they are indispensable to thousands of engineers and scientists without access to machines. Because of automatic computers, however, and because of recent scientific advances, a greater variety of functions and a higher accuracy of tabulation than have been available until now are required. In 1954, a conference on mathematical tables, sponsored by M.I.T. and the National Science Foundation, met to discuss a modernization and extension of Jahnke and Emde's classical tables of functions. This volume, published 10 years later by the U.S. Department of Commerce, is the result. Designed to include a maximum of information and to meet the needs of scientists in all fields, it is a monumental piece of work, a comprehensive and self-contained summary of the mathematical functions that arise in physical and engineering problems. The book contains 29 sets of tables, some to as high as 20 places: mathematical constants; physical constants and conversion factors (6 tables); exponential integral and related functions (7); error function and Fresnel integrals (12); Bessel functions of integer (12) and fractional (13) order; integrals of Bessel functions (2); Struve and related functions (2); confluent hypergeometric functions (2); Coulomb wave functions (2); hypergeometric functions; Jacobian elliptic and theta functions (2); elliptic integrals {9); Weierstrass elliptic and related functions; parabolic cylinder functions {3); Mathieu functions (2); spheroidal wave functions (5); orthogonal polynomials (13); combinatorial analysis (9); numerical interpolation, differentiation and integration (11); probability functions (ll); scales of notation (6); miscellaneous functions (9); Laplace transforms (2); and others. Each of these sections is prefaced by a list of related formulas and graph
2020-01-03 11:40:40 16.65MB 数学手册 数学工具书 数学
经典数学函数书,Abramowitz编著,Dover Publications, 1965
2019-12-24 03:39:13 23.34MB Handbook of Mathematical Functions
LMMSE Turbo Equalization Based on factor graphs
2019-12-21 22:20:20 4.02MB LMMSE Turbo Equalization Based
2019-12-21 20:10:05 3.37MB 贝叶斯网络
Random Graphs: 经典的随机图教材,由剑桥大学2001年出版。 是学习随机图、复杂网络 的极好资料。 格式: PDF(带目录) 作者:Béla Bollobás 版次:第2版 (英文原版) 出版社: Cambridge University Press; 2 edition (October 8, 2001)=================================== 具体书见: Paperback: 518 pages Publisher: Cambridge University Press; 2 edition (October 8, 2001) Language: English ISBN-10: 0521797225 ISBN-13: 978-0521797221 =======================
2011-10-20 00:00:00 16.1MB Random graphs 随机图 复杂网络