WGAN with gradient penalty
2021-04-13 19:05:51 5.80MB deeplearning
Structure-Preserving Super Resolution with Gradient Guidance
2021-04-10 21:06:07 2.49MB 顶会论文翻译
deep learning 三位大神Yann Lecun 、Y. Bengio 、Patrick Haffner联合发表的论文
2021-03-18 16:41:30 878KB cnn deep learning
Fast large-scale optimization by unifying stochastic gradient and quasi-Newton methods
2021-03-12 09:13:54 894KB 深度学习
渐变英雄 让我们用CSS渐变重新创建以下效果。 渐变和图像 额外的 具有3D效果的球 停止渐变
2021-03-04 15:07:21 1.5MB HTML
/* size:渐变区域的尺寸 direction:渐变方向 startColor:开始颜色 endColor:结束颜色  */ + (instancetype)bm_colorGradientChangeWithSize:(CGSize)size direction:(ZQGradientChangeDirection)direction startColor:(UIColor*)startcolor endColor:(UIColor*)endColor;
2021-02-23 12:02:40 5.11MB OC 工具类 封装 Extension
A new approach to quantify the lung nodule speculation levels in CT (computed tomography) images was proposed. Firstly, two-dimensional image of nodule was generated by using the spiral scan technology. Secondly, the lung nodule was segmented in the two-dimensional image using the dynamic programming. Thirdly, based on the expanded regions from the segmented boundary, the speculation was segmented by use of threshold segmentation. Fourthly, the feature region where speculation may exist was extr
2021-02-22 14:06:23 419KB lung nodules; CT (computed
2021-02-09 14:06:04 3.57MB 折射率测 梯度折射 refractiv gradient-
We present a new edge-preserving image smoothing approach by incorporating local features into a holistic optimization framework. Our method embodies a gradient constraint to enforce detail eliminating and an intensity constraint to achieve shape maintaining. The gradients of high-contrast details are suppressed to a lower magnitude, subsequent to which structural edges can be located. The intensities of a small region are regulated to resemble the initial fabric, which facilitates further detai
2021-02-07 12:06:23 1.37MB edge detection; feature extraction
本文介绍了一种基于 wiener 变步长和梯度谱方差的双语语音稳健声回波消除和声反馈消除方法
2021-02-02 11:05:29 5.66MB 自动驾驶