scott meyers经典之作,effective c++, more effective c++,中文版, pdf格式,清晰,带书签,大家一起好好学习
2022-04-19 09:20:09 11.28MB effective
java effective 第二版中英文二份文件,包含本书源码。
2022-04-12 10:53:49 59.16MB java effective2
Effective DevOps
2022-04-11 11:22:51 5.56MB Effective DevOps
有人说c++程序员可以分成两类,读过effective c++的和没读过的。世界顶级c++大师scott meyers成名之作的第三版的确当得起这样的评价。当您读过这本书之后,就获得了迅速提升自己c++功力的一个契机。.(2-1)   在国际上,本书所引起的反响,波及整个计算技术出版领域,余音至今未绝。几乎在所有c++书籍的推荐名单上,本书都会位于前三名。作者高超的技术把握力、独特的视角。诙谐轻松的写作风格、独具匠心的内容组织,都受到极大的推崇和仿效。这种奇特的现象,只能解释为人们对这本书衷心的赞美和推祟。《effective c++》前两个版本的确抓住了全世界无数程序员的目光。原因十分显明:scott meyers 极富实践意义的c++ 研讨方式,描述出专家用以产出干净、正确、高效代码的经验法则和行事法则——也就是他们几乎总是做或不做的某些事。   这本书不是读完一遍就可以束之高阁的快餐读物,也不是用以解决手边问题的参考手册,而是需要您去反复阅读体会的,c++是真正程序员的语言,背后有着精深的思想与无与伦比的表达能力,这使得它具有类似宗教般的魅力。希望这本书自瞄帮助您跨越c抖的重重险阻,领略高处才有的壮美风光,做—个成功而快乐的c++程序员。...      本书一共组织 55 个准则,每一条准则描述一个编写出更好的 c++ 的方式。每一个条款的背后都有具体范例支撑。第三版有一半以上的篇幅是崭新内容,包括讨论资源管理和模板(templates)运用的两个新章。为反映出现代设计考虑,对第二版论题做了广泛的修订,包括异常(exceptions)、设计模式(design patterns)和多线程(multithreading)。      《effective c++》的重要特征包括:    * 高效的 classes、functions、templates 和inheritance hierarchies(继承体系)方面的专家级指导。    * 崭新的 "tr1" 标准程序库功能应用,以及与既有标准程序库组件的比较。    * 洞察 c++和其他语言(例如java、c#、c)之间的不同。此举有助于那些来自其他语言阵营的开发人员消化吸收 c++ 式的各种解法。(2-1)
2022-04-11 06:28:48 10MB Effective C++ 中文版 第三版
Colar: Effective and Efficient Online Action Detection by Consulting Exemplars CVPR 2022 task:在线动作识别
2022-04-06 03:11:26 4.3MB 深度学习 论文阅读
Effective C++ Effective C++ Effective C++ Effective C++ Effective C++
2022-03-29 16:51:21 250KB Effective C++ Effective C++
Effective C++(第三版中文版) --高清版.pdf 个人收集电子书,仅用学习使用,不可用于商业用途,如有版权问题,请联系删除!
2022-03-17 20:28:28 29.11MB 计算机 编程
Effective C++第3版中文版.chm
2022-03-16 10:39:49 861KB Effective C++
Effective stl中文版 Effective stl英文版 (均完整清晰带索引,非影印) 示例代码
2022-03-13 06:47:05 1.61MB stl
Written for the intermediate or advanced C++ programmer, renowned C++ expert Scott Meyers provides essential techniques for getting more out of the Standard Template Library in Effective STL, a tutorial for doing more with this powerful library. STL is a hugely powerful feature of today's C++, but one with a well-earned reputation for complexity. The book is organized into 50 tips that explore different areas of the STL. Besides providing a list of dos and don'ts, Meyers presents a lot of background on what works and what doesn't with STL. Each tip is demonstrated with in-depth coding samples, many of which make use of two-color printing to highlight the most important lines of code. (Advanced developers will enjoy Meyers's in-depth explanations, while those who are in a hurry can skip ahead to the recommended tip itself.) A good part of this book involves using containers, like vectors and maps, which are built into STL. (Besides the standard built-in containers, the author also highlights recent additions to STL like B-trees, which are available as extensions from other vendors.) You'll learn the best ways to allocate, add, change, and delete items inside containers, including associative containers like maps. You'll also learn to avoid common pitfalls, which can result in writing code that is slow or just plain wrong. Other areas covered in Effective STL cover getting the most out of the 100-plus STL algorithms that are bundled with this library. Meyers shows you how to choose the correct algorithm for sorting and other functions. (Even advanced developers will learn something here.) Sections on using function objects (called functors) round out the text. Meyers shows you when these classes make sense and the best ways to implement them. Besides specific tips, you'll get plenty of general programming advice. A useful appendix shows the limitations of STL as implemented in Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0 and how to overcome them. Overall, Effective STL is a really invaluable source of programming expertise on an essential aspect of today's C++ for anyone who is using--or planning to use--STL in real production code. It is quite simply a must-have. --Richard Dragan
2022-03-13 06:45:16 7.65MB c++ Effective STL