Abe M. Vehicle Handling Dynamics: Theory and Application[M]
2022-01-22 20:47:51 12.83MB Vehicle Handling Dynamics
微软CRM系列课程(1):Microsoft CRM “Titan”的介绍和用户定制化(视频PPT)
This textbook explores both the theoretical foundation of the Finite Volume Method (FVM) and its applications in Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD). Readers will discover a thorough explanation of the FVM numerics and algorithms used for the simulation of incompressible and compressible fluid flows, along with a detailed examination of the components needed for the development of a collocated unstructured pressure-based CFD solver. Two particular CFD codes are explored. The first is uFVM, a three-dimensional unstructured pressure-based finite volume academic CFD code, implemented within Matlab. The second is OpenFOAM®, an open source framework used in the development of a range of CFD programs for the simulation of industrial scale flow problems. With over 220 figures, numerous examples and more than one hundred exercise on FVM numerics, programming, and applications, this textbook is suitable for use in an introductory course on the FVM, in an advanced course on numerics, and as a reference for CFD programmers and researchers.
2022-01-15 00:34:34 24.74MB matlab openfoam CFD
Analysis of Nolinear Dynamics in a Spur Gear Pair System。 齿轮副非线性动力学模型的建立与分析 包含非线性间隙和时变啮合刚度的齿轮系统非线性纯扭转动力学模型的MATLAB程序。
2022-01-07 14:26:45 935KB 齿轮 动力学 非线性 分叉图
2022-01-06 09:15:29 5.84MB Analytical Method;Rotor Dynamics;
2021-12-29 20:06:02 144KB Dynamics CRM
Brownian Motion Fluctuations, Dynamics, and Applications
2021-12-24 03:12:24 25.21MB 布朗运动
Brownian dynamics serve as mathematical models for the diffusive motion of mi- croscopic particles of various shapes in gaseous, liquid, or solid environments. The renewed interest in Brownian dynamics is due primarily to their key role in molec- ular and cellular biophysics: diffusion of ions and molecules is the driver of all life. Brownian dynamics simulations are the numerical realizations of stochastic differential equations (SDEs) that model the functions of biological microdevices such as protein ionic channels of biological membranes, cardiac myocytes, neuronal synapses, and many more.
2021-12-24 03:09:21 5.03MB Stochastic differential equation
Dynamics 365 Plan and Deploy.pdf
2021-12-16 13:07:57 4.04MB DynamicsCRM Dynamics365
Pyomeca是一个python库,可让您进行完整的生物力学分析。 以一种简单,逻辑和简洁的方式。 pyomeca文档 请参阅Pyomeca的。 例子 pyomeca实现了生物力学中常用的专门功能。 例如,让我们处理此包含的肌电数据。 您可以使用我们的活页夹服务器继续安装,而无需进行任何安装: from pyomeca import Analogs data_path = "../tests/data/markers_analogs.c3d" muscles = [ "Delt_ant" , "Delt_med" , "Delt_post" , "Supra" , "Infra" , "Subscap" , ] emg = Analogs . from_c3d ( data_path , suffix_delimiter = "." ,
2021-12-15 17:20:46 3.48MB python kinematics dynamics xarray