concurrencpp:任务,执行程序,计时器和C ++ 20协程将它们全部统治
2021-01-28 16:07:36 145KB cpp scheduler coroutines concurrency
这本书主要是讲在使用C++11特性时对并发的深入探讨。 它是由作为语言新线程支持基础的Boost Thread 库的主要开发及维护人员编写的。总之,作者很有权威性。 该书从最基础的东西开始,假设读者已经有良好(甚至是非常好)的语言基础,但是首次接触并行代码。 该书逐步地探讨了一些由并发带来的问题,讲述了互斥的解决方案和局限性,以及它们是如何在C++11中实现的。接下来讲述了C++的内存模型和原子类型。最后,深入探讨了基于锁和无锁数据结构的设计。这是自从Herb Sutter在书中讨论这个话题之后,我所见过的最好的处理方法。 这本书很全面地涵盖了一些真正重要的话题,这些话题在其他书籍中是经常被忽略的,比如像,多线程的代码设计,线程应用程序的调试。当然,在我看来,这两者都描述得太少了。 书中大部分内容都是作为参考资料(就单独的C++线程库就有差不多130页)。 另一个附录是一个完整的消息框架,并给出了代码和注解。 毫无疑问,作者还是花费了很大的心思,相关的内容都讲到了。 对于这本书,我也有不满意之处,但是它们都微不足道。 第一个就是你必须深入了解C++,否则阅读起来比较困难。另一个就是作者最后一章讲述的线程池,用红色字体显示的”高级线程”。在我看来,线程池在并发处设定标记很有意思,但是很可惜,作者却在这儿停笔了。由此可得知,虽然作者在目录有提及到角色模型,但并没有进行讲解,就好像它压根儿不存在一样,可能在William看来,它其实对好几种语言至关重要,却不包括C++。 总的来说,这些不满意之处只能反应我的偏好,不能说明这本书有缺陷。William的这本书非常棒,至少在未来的很长一段时间里都能称得上是这个领域的典型著作。 如果你想更仔细地看下这本书的内容,我们最近在一篇很受欢迎的文章里”Waiting for One-Off Events with Futures。”有摘选了一些片段。
2021-01-12 19:59:15 2.13MB C++ 并发
Java 7 Concurrency Cookbook 中文名:Java 7 并发编程指南,中文版见,这本书是学习并发的绝好书籍,我在网上找了好久才找到源代码,所以收点积分
2020-03-04 03:11:36 1.12MB Concurrency 并发
C++ concurrency Source Code源码, C++ concurrency Source Code源码, C++ concurrency Source Code源码, C++ concurrency Source Code源码
2019-12-21 22:06:37 64KB C++ concurrency Source Code
Delphi并行编程很好的资料,对于并行编程所需的OS对进程/线程级内存管理方面涉及到的知识给出了清晰的概念,对目前仍然存在的原生的Bug(比如Delphi TThread类)给出了解决方案和相关的免费资源,可以直接用在我的工作中.
2019-12-21 21:45:34 4.56MB Delphi 多线程编程 调试 相关工具
C++ Concurrency in Action中文 PDF清晰版 本书是并发和多线程机制指导书籍(基于C++11标准)。 从最基本的 std::thread std::mutex 和 std::async 的使用, 到 复杂的原子操作和内存模型。
2019-12-21 21:42:00 4.22MB C++
Get to grips with modern software demands by learning the effective uses of Rust's powerful memory safety. Key Features Learn and improve the sequential performance characteristics of your software Understand the use of operating system processes in a high-scale concurrent system Learn of the various coordination methods available in the Standard library Book Description Most programming languages can really complicate things, especially with regard to unsafe memory access. The burden on you, the programmer, lies across two domains: understanding the modern machine and your language's pain-points. This book will teach you to how to manage program performance on modern machines and build fast, memory-safe, and concurrent software in Rust. It starts with the fundamentals of Rust and discusses machine architecture concepts. You will be taken through ways to measure and improve the performance of Rust code systematically and how to write collections with confidence. You will learn about the Sync and Send traits applied to threads, and coordinate thread execution with locks, atomic primitives, data-parallelism, and more. The book will show you how to efficiently embed Rust in C++ code and explore the functionalities of various crates for multithreaded applications. It explores implementations in depth. You will know how a mutex works and build several yourself. You will master radically different approaches that exist in the ecosystem for structuring and managing high-scale systems. By the end of the book, you will feel comfortable with designing safe, consistent, parallel, and high-performance applications in Rust. What you will learn Probe your programs for performance and accuracy issues Create your own threading and multi-processing environment in Rust Use coarse locks from Rust’s Standard library Solve common synchronization problems or avoid synchronization using atomic programming Build lock-free/wait-free structures in Rust and understand their implementat
2019-12-21 21:07:23 1.9MB rust concurrency 并发 rust语言
2019-12-21 20:29:53 5.12MB java8 并发
2019-12-21 20:10:49 19.37MB database
Java Concurrency in Practice 中文版 JAVA并发编程实践 高清pdf阅读 不可多得的好书 下载不是目的 希望更多的人学到好东西
2019-12-21 20:01:09 40.68MB java