Computational neuroscience is the theoretical study of the brain to uncover the principles and mechanisms that guide the development, organization, information processing, and mental functions of the nervous system. Although not a new area, it is only recently that enough knowledge has been gathered to establish computational neuroscience as a scientific discipline in its own right. Given the complexity of the field, and its increasing importance in progressing our understanding of how the brain works, there has long been a need for an introductory text on what is often assumed to be an impenetrable topic. The new edition of Fundamentals of Computational Neuroscience build on the success and strengths of the first edition. It introduces the theoretical foundations of neuroscience with a focus on the nature of information processing in the brain. The book covers the introduction and motivation of simplified models of neurons that are suitable for exploring information processing in large brain-like networks. Additionally, it introduces several fundamental network architectures and discusses their relevance for information processing in the brain, giving some examples of models of higher-order cognitive functions to demonstrate the advanced insight that can be gained with such studies. Each chapter starts by introducing its topic with experimental facts and conceptual questions related to the study of brain function. An additional feature is the inclusion of simple Matlab programs that can be used to explore many of the mechanisms explained in the book. An accompanying webpage includes programs for download. The book will be the essential text for anyone in the brain sciences who wants to get to grips with this topic.
2021-11-25 05:27:49 5.52MB Neuroscience
Computational Thinking (CT) involves fundamental concepts and reasoning, distilled from computer science and other computational sciences, which become powerful general mental tools for solving problems, increasing efficiency, reducing complexity, designing procedures, or interacting with humans and machines. An easy-to-understand guidebook, From Computing to Computational Thinking gives you the tools for understanding and using CT. It does not assume experience or knowledge of programming or of a programming language, but explains concepts and methods for CT with clarity and depth.Successful applications in diverse disciplines have shown the power of CT in problem solving. The book uses puzzles, games, and everyday examples as starting points for discussion and for connecting abstract thinking patterns to real-life situations. It provides an interesting and thought-provoking way to gain general knowledge about modern computing and the concepts and thinking processes underlying modern digital technologies.,解压密码
2021-11-23 10:21:38 2.96MB 英文
该问题取自 Ramesh Garg 的《电磁学分析计算方法》。 该代码使用矩量法求解积分方程。 脉冲函数用作基函数,点匹配(delta 函数)用作加权函数。 计算矩阵是针对所有行和列计算的。
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是JOHN CANNY大师在1986年写的关于边检测论文,该论文是起始文件. 有兴趣的同学自己下载哈
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Computational Science and Engineering mit 18.085的教材 part 2
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Computational Methods for Plasticity
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计算金融和金融计量经济学与 r 计算金融和金融计量经济学与 r
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