UCLA Wireframe Shader(从Unity Asset Store得到),可以使模型按三角形显示为线框的shader,亲测Unity 2017.3.0.f3以上可以使用。
2021-09-01 15:50:06 3.66MB Unity Shader Wireframe 线框
Do you have a complex Unity project on your plate? Maybe hard-to-understand asset you have imported? Want a solution that will help seamlessly, without bulky custom UI? We know that feel bro! Introducing Asset Usage Finder v4: Asset that will find ALL usages/dependencies/references for you, without hassle Everywhere - in Project, Scene and Nested Prefab Staging Features: Full Unity 2018.4+ support including Nested Prefabs and Prefab Variants Seach for usages of AnimatorController states Usage search for ALL types of assets, e.g.: Scripts, Shaders, Scenes, Materials, Sprites, Prefabs, Fonts, Textures, Sounds... Search for usages in: Prefabs, Scenes, Atlases, Materials and others Replacement of referenced assets Search for further usages in the same window and easily return back Up to 20 times faster search thanks to cache Source codes included Native Unity Editor UI - Dark and light styles support Works with NodeCanvas, Mecanim and uGUI
2021-08-15 01:58:53 121B unity unity3d
解压密码:123 安装说明:https://blog.csdn.net/hongfu951/article/details/118517942 World Creator 是一款专业的程序地形地景生成器,可用于在游戏、电影以及艺术作品中创作生动的虚拟 3D 环境。 凭借一系列功能强大的创作工具和更高的效率、在视口实时编辑功能、随机地形生成以及更多其他特性,World Creator 让地形地景生成前所未有地快速而有趣。 最先进的地形生成器 生成你能想象出的任何种类的地形。丘陵、山脉、山脊、梯田、峡谷、月球地景、沙漠,笔直的山峰、平原、行星状地貌、沙丘等等。 World Creator 自带许多过滤器,可以组合应用,创造无限多地形种类。 每个过滤器都有多个可以调整的设置,每个都会对最终地形产生影响。这些过滤器可在指定地形高度或地形坡度范围内使用,从而让你在设计过程中具有完全掌控能力。
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u3d/unity3d 使用原生高清字体Text-TextMeshPro组件(非Text组件) 创建字体库使用的汉字表 亲测好使。
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可以轻松为您找到所有资源的 用法/依赖关系/参考的资产 在项目,场景和嵌套式预制舞台中
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