2021-08-12 12:21:57 502KB 模拟电路 电路噪声
CMOS集成电路设计-Allen版完整答案 非手写 chaper1-10
2021-08-10 23:04:19 2.82MB CMOS ANALOG
2021-08-01 16:27:26 41.98MB CMOS analog razavi
[模拟和数字电子电路基础].Agarwal.&.Lang.(2005). Foundations.of.Analog.and.Digital.Electronic.Circuits
本书是MIT(麻省理工学院)计算机系的电子电路的教材, 大家可以在MIT的开放资源里下载到,本课程的教学录像。讲的很不错。
2021-07-27 15:45:22 8.1MB MIT电子电路教材 Foundations of Analog
Analog Circuit Design: A Tutorial Guide to Applications and Solutions by:Bob Dobkin, Jim Williams ISBN-10 书号: 0123851858 ISBN-13 书号: 9780123851857 Edition 版本: 1 出版日期: 2011-09-13 pages 页数: (939)
2021-07-27 10:53:24 64.6MB Design
新概念模拟电路,资源来源是ADI,5本合集,Analog-Circuit I 晶体管,Analog-Circuit II 负反馈和运算放大器基础,Analog-Circuit III 运放电路的频率特性和滤波器,Analog-Circuit-IV 信号处理电路,Analog-Circuit-V 源电路:信号源和电源;将五本资料集合一起,并且全部带书签,现上传,方便大家学习;
2021-07-18 18:59:04 28.51MB ADI Analog-Circuit
2021-07-18 18:11:46 16.2MB Analog Layout 模拟电路
This textbook is appropriate for use in graduate-level curricula in analog-to-digital conversion, as well as for practicing engineers in need of a state-of-the-art reference on data converters. It discusses various analog-to-digital conversion principles, including sampling, quantization, reference generation, nyquist architectures and sigma-delta modulation. This book presents an overview of the state of the art in this field and focuses on issues of optimizing accuracy and speed, while reducing the power level. This new, third edition emphasizes novel calibration concepts, the specific requirements of new systems, the consequences of 22-nm technology and the need for a more statistical approach to accuracy. Pedagogical enhancements to this edition include additional, new exercises, solved examples to introduce all key, new concepts and warnings, remarks and hints, from a practitioner's perspective, wherever appropriate. Considerable background information and practical tips, from designing a PCB, to lay-out aspects, to trade-offs on system level, complement the discussion of basic principles, making this book a valuable reference for the experienced engineer.
2021-07-12 09:43:14 19.95MB adc
Analysis and Design of Analog Integrated Circuits, 模拟集成电路的书,经典之作
2021-07-08 09:39:43 10.55MB Integrated Circuits