/* 该程序必须以管理员权限运行 注意如果为64位系统则需要引用WinIo64.dll,如果为32位系统需要引用WinIo64 Initialize() 安装WINIO驱动 Shutdown() 卸载WINIO驱动 KeyDown(Key) 模拟普通Key键按下 KeyUp(Key)模拟普通Key键弹起 KeyDownEx(Key)模拟扩展Key键按下 KeyUpEx(Key)模拟扩展Key键弹起 KeyPress(Key)模拟普通Key键按下并弹起一次。其中按下和弹起的默认时间间隔是200毫秒 KeyPress(Key,Int32)模拟普通Key键按下并弹起一次。其中按下和弹起的时间间隔是第二个参数,单位为毫秒。 KeyPressEx(Key)模拟扩展按键Key按下并弹起一次。其中按下和弹起的默认时间间隔是200毫秒 KeyPressEx(Key,Int32)模拟扩展按键Key按下并弹起一次。其中按下和弹起的时间间隔是第二个参数,单位为毫秒 KeyPressEx(Key,Int32,Int32)模拟扩展按键Key按下并弹起一次。其中按下和弹起的时间间隔是第二个参数,单位为毫秒 */
2019-12-21 19:27:47 112KB C#驱动级键盘
2019-12-21 19:23:28 295KB winio
2019-12-21 18:57:53 3KB python winio
本资源包括: 1. 最新版的WinIO(v3.0). WinIo32.dll, WinIo32.sys, WinIO64.dll, WinIO64.sys. 2. DumpPort.exe和DumpPhys.exe实例. 3. C#调用源码. 4. VB6调用源码. 5. Help文件,所有函数讲解. 此版支持64位系统, 但不再支持Win9x. 关于WinIO v3.0: The WinIo library allows 32-bit and 64-bit Windows applications to directly access I/O ports and physical memory. Version 3.0 offers the following features: Supports 32-bit and 64-bit platforms (Itanium excluded). WinIo can now be used by multiple applications concurrently. New C# samples. Bug fixes in this version: Fixed a bug that prevented accessing physical memory above 2GB. Fixed a bug that led to the WinIo driver getting uninstalled when calling ShutdownWinIo if the driver was set to load during boot with InstallWinIoDriver. Note: Support for Windows 9x/ME has been removed. If you need to support these operating systems, please use WinIo v2.
2019-12-21 18:51:43 187KB WinIO VB6 C# DumpPort
winIO3.0已编译好lib库文件,win10 64验证Ok,详情:http://blog.csdn.net/greless/article/details/72821876
2019-12-21 18:49:49 709KB winIO