UnrealProxy是一个客户端/服务器应用程序,可以在NAT路由器后面的连接上托管一个Unreal Server(已通过Italian Fastweb ISP测试)。 所有基于虚幻网络代码的游戏都应正常运行(已使用虚幻和UT进行了全面测试)。 使用wxWindows
2021-12-07 20:51:50 379KB 开源软件
2021-11-25 16:44:53 12.98MB unreal 蓝图 UE4 强化学习
Unreal Engine 4 Scripting with C++ Cookbook 2016 | ISBN-10: 1785885545 | 431 pages | PDF | 7 MB Key Features A straightforward and easy-to-follow format A selection of the most important tasks and problems Carefully organized instructions to solve problems efficiently Clear explanations of what you did Solutions that can be applied to solve real-world problems Book Description Unreal Engine 4 (UE4) is a complete suite of game development tools made by game developers, for game developers. With more than 100 practical recipes, this book is a guide showcasing techniques to use the power of C++ scripting while developing games with UE4. It will start with adding and editing C++ classes from within the Unreal Editor. It will delve into one of Unreal's primary strengths, the ability for designers to customize programmer-developed actors and components. It will help you understand the benefits of when and how to use C++ as the scripting tool. With a blend of task-oriented recipes, this book will provide actionable information about scripting games with UE4, and manipulating the game and the development environment using C++. Towards the end of the book, you will be empowered to become a top-notch developer with Unreal Engine 4 using C++ as the scripting language. What you will learn Build function libraries (Blueprints) containing reusable code to reduce upkeep Move low-level functions from Blueprint into C++ to improve performance Abstract away complex implementation details to simplify designer workflows Incorporate existing libraries into your game to add extra functionality such as hardware integration Implement AI tasks and behaviors in Blueprints and C++ Generate data to control the appearance and content of UI elements
2021-11-18 15:10:19 7.08MB Unreal Engine C++
出埃及计划 当前支持的版本: 目前支持的版本是2018.3团结和4.25虚幻4(虚幻侧插件的虚幻4的3个最新次要版本,测试目前4.25.0,4.24.3,4.23.1。虽然它是可能的插件将在较早的版本上编译,因此无法保证)。 此文件将更新以指示支持的版本发生更改。 描述 “ ProjectExodus”是一种转换工具,旨在将单个场景和整个项目从Unity转换为虚幻引擎。 转换只专注于资产,而忽略了所有游戏逻辑(C#),并且存在一些限制。 该项目已获得BSD-3许可,并且由两个插件组成-一个用于统一,一个用于虚幻,并且还包含非常基本的演示场景。 免责声明/警告 本文档可能会更改,并且由于正在开发项目,可能会在短时间内更改。 文件和文件夹 SampleScene-这是一个简单的统一测试。 只需将文件夹复制到“资产”中的某个位置即可。 “ ExodusExport”文件夹-这是用于转换本身的
2021-11-17 14:33:43 4.15MB C++
虚幻引擎unreal engine 4.6版本源码,官网下载很麻烦,这个不是最新版本的,胜在比较方便
2021-11-15 12:02:57 128.99MB ue4 源码
TransMat v0.6.2 传输,翻译,转换,转移混合器材质到虚幻 描述 TransMat是Blender的节点编辑器的附加组件。 它创建了一个python文件,该文件将立即自动在Unreal中重新创建Blender材质。 请查看页面底部的示例,以查看其外观! 如何安装和使用 下载并解压缩文件,然后在Blender中,单击“编辑” > “首选项” > “附件” > “安装”,然后选择“ Transmat.py” 这将向“节点编辑器”添加属性面板。 创建材料后,选择目录以将python文件输出到。 然后,如果需要,可以为要放置的材质和纹理指定“虚幻”导入子文件夹。 如果您未指定
2021-11-14 16:58:25 35KB unreal unreal-engine ue4 blender-nodes
虚幻HttpServer 带有HTTP Web服务器的Unreal4插件
2021-11-06 14:28:22 26KB http-server unreal-engine ue4 UnrealEngineC++
An+introduction+to+Unreal+engine+4 ,UE4入门经典书籍
2021-11-05 21:34:35 180.4MB UE4 入门经典
2021-10-31 21:37:48 9.93MB UE4 UnReal C++ 游戏
2021-10-28 15:36:31 1.77MB shader blur hlsl unreal-engine