Double-Bounding R-tree: A Novel Approach to Index Digital Cameras Viewable Scene
2021-02-07 12:05:52 766KB 研究论文
SCENE_2019.0 操作指南
2021-01-28 01:44:35 328KB 操作指南
javafx_scenebuilder-2_0-linux-x64.deb 只要1积分,适用于64位ubuntu、debian等linux系统。
2021-01-13 10:26:03 60.47MB javafx scene builder
德国慕尼黑工业大学计算机视觉教授Cremers和他的博士生写的书,关于场景流(scene flow)的入门教材。scene flow 可以用来做运动分析,3D感知。
2019-12-21 22:10:03 10.21MB scene flow
QT 图形视图(Graphics View)提供了一个平台, 框架包括一个事件传播架构,支持场景(Scene)中的图元(Item),通过画矩形框,系统了解 显示 场景 图元 paint 重载等
2019-12-21 21:34:08 16.03MB QT.画矩形框
OpenSceneGraph 3 Cookbook Book Description OpenSceneGraph is an open source 3D graphics application programming interface, used by application developers in fields such as visual simulation, computer games, virtual reality, scientific visualization, and modeling. Familiar with its concepts and APIs, and need to improve your knowledge? This book is here to help. With exactly 100 recipes, it will enrich your experience and take you to the next level. OpenSceneGraph 3 Cookbook will escort you into the world of real-time 3D development with OpenSceneGraph, the world famous 3D graphics engine. The book assumes that you are already familiar with some basic concepts, and provides 100 vivid recipes to demonstrate how to utilize the API flexibly and how to implement some practical aspects. The book is divided into 10 chapters, each of which focuses on one topic. Readers may start from any topic they are interested in. The book includes customizing OpenSceneGraph, designing scene graph, geometry, scene navigation, animations, effects using fixed pipeline and shaders, managing mass data, and miscellaneous discussions. Every recipe will prove to be useful in a practical way or in research. OpenSceneGraph 3 Cookbook gives you a wide insight about 3D programming using OpenSceneGraph, with a set of meaningful and interesting examples.
2019-12-21 21:22:51 5.07MB Open Scene Graph
该文件夹里有以下内容: Generative Adversarial Nets [PDF论文] Image Generation from Scene Graphs [PDF论文] Image Generation from Scene Graphs [PPT讲解] StackGAN [PDF论文] StackGAN++_Realistic Image Synthesis with Stacked Generative Adversarial Networks [PDF论文] 上传的PPT是根据这篇论文制作的,如果你想向别人做技术分享,可以在我的PPT上进行修改,关于这篇论文的讲解可以查看我的CSDN博客,Image Generation这篇论文的PDF中有我的阅读注释。附博客链接,欢迎大家和我讨论,如有出错欢迎指正:
2019-12-21 20:14:12 22.39MB CVPR2018 李飞飞 PPT讲解 博客讲解链接
基于Qt QGraphicsScene的画图演示,可对图元进行移动和缩放,例子比较简单,可以参考。
2019-12-21 20:12:36 3.3MB Qt scene 画图
“A Model of saliency Based Visual Attention for Rapid Scene Analysis”文章的中文PPT讲解
2019-12-21 19:33:18 14.84MB Saliency 图像显著性 视觉注意
适用平台:Windows 32/64 bit 软件格式:.msi JavaFX Scene Builder提供一个可视化布局环境,允许你为JavaFX程序快速设计用户界面而无需写任何代码。它允许在JavaFX场景上简单的为用户界面拖拽布局。
2014-11-27 00:00:00 56.1MB JavaFX