国外机器人学教材 The classic text on robot manipulators now covers visual control, motion planning and mobile robots too! Robotics provides the basic know-how on the foundations of robotics: modelling, planning and control. The text develops around a core of consistent and rigorous formalism with fundamental and technological material giving rise naturally and with gradually increasing difficulty to more advanced considerations. The theory of manipulator structures presented in the early part of the book encompasses: • the fundamentals: kinematics, statics and trajectory planning; and • the technology of actuators, sensors and control units. Subsequently, more advanced instruction is given in: • dynamics and motion control of robot manipulators; • environmental interaction using exteroceptive sensory data (force and vision); • mobile robots; and • motion planning. Appendices ensure that students will have access to a consistent level of background in basic areas such as rigid-body mechanics, feedback control, and others. Problems are raised and the proper tools established to find engineering-oriented solutions rather than to focus on abstruse theoretical methodology. To impart practical skill, more than 60 examples and case studies are carefully worked out and interwoven through the text, with frequent resort to simulation. In addition, nearly 150 end-of-chapter problems are proposed, and the book is accompanied by a pdf solutions manual and MATLAB® code for computer problems; these are available free of charge to those adopting Robotics as a textbook for courses. This text is suitable for use in senior undergraduate and graduate courses in automation and computer, electrical, electronic and mechanical engineering courses with strong robotics content.
2022-03-25 19:12:38 8.71MB 机器人 英文教材
中文版的错误较多,有些翻译不是很到位,本资源讲义为英文版; 书后习题答案中有部分错误和值得学习的地方,本人学习过程中做了部分笔记,目前学到第七章,欢迎评论区交流; 课后练习为另一套学习所用的较为简单的随堂测试。 书后习题答案全网本文首发,来之不易,少部分错误已指出,望大家珍惜。
2022-03-23 11:56:45 21.5MB ModernRobitics 机器人学 POE模型
mavros_controllers 在脱机模式下使用软件包控制MAV的控制器。 概述 该存储库包含用于使用mavros软件包控制MAV的控制器。 存储库中包含以下软件包 geometric_controller:基于几何控制的轨迹跟踪控制器 controller_msgs:定制消息定义 trajectory_publisher:节点将设定点发布为运动原语/轨迹的状态,以供控制器遵循。 入门 安装PX4 SITL(仅用于模拟) 遵循所示的说明,要检查是否正确设置了必要的环境,可以使用以下命令运行gazebo SITL cd DONT_RUN=1 make px4_sitl_default gazebo 要获取PX4环境的源代码,请运行以下命令 cd source ~ /catkin_ws/d
2022-03-20 21:01:27 61KB drone robotics ros px4
《机器人学、机器视觉与控制——MATLAB算法基础》英文版 Robotics, vision and control fundamental algorithms in MATLAB
2022-03-19 17:56:28 38.43MB Robotics vision and control
图像增强,色彩校正/恢复 EUVP数据集:,,。 (已配对和未配对的数据; FUnIE-GAN) 水下图像网:,,。 (配对数据; UGAN) UIEBD数据集:,,。 (水网) SQUID数据集: ,,。 (水下-HL) U-45:,。 (UDAE) RUIE基准:,纸张。 (RUIE-Net) 牙买加皇家港口:数据,纸张,代码。 (水甘) 虚拟潜望镜:数据,纸张。 颜色校正: 数据。 颜色恢复: 数据,纸张,代码。 TURBID数据:数据,纸张。 OceanDark数据集:数据,纸张。 SISR:单图像超分辨率 USR-248:数据,纸张,代码。 (用于2x,4x和8x训练; SRDRM,SRDRM-GAN) SESR:同时增强和超分辨率 UFO-120:数据,纸张,代码。 (用于2倍,3倍和4倍SESR和显着性预测;深度SESR) 图像分割 SUIM:数据
It was at the IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation in Pasadena in 2008 when, over a beer, we decided to write an undergraduate textbook on robotics. Since 1996, Frank had been teaching robot kinematics to Seoul National University undergraduates using his own lecture notes; by 2008 these notes had evolved to the kernel around which this book was written. Kevin had been teaching his introductory robotics class at Northwestern University from his own set of notes, with content drawn from an eclectic collection of papers and books.
2022-03-15 17:26:26 6.59MB 机器人
为Modern Robotics资源第二弹,免费下载。原文文档及课后练习答案可在我上传的资源中另行下载。
2022-03-15 17:18:54 331.02MB ModernRobotics 机器人学 POE模型
Simultaneous Localization and Mapping for Mobile Robots: Introduction and Methods Simultaneous Localization and Mapping for Mobile Robots: Introduction and Methods
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我们向您介绍我们在MicroLab实验室中创建的雷达。 该雷达使用2个超声波传感器和1个连续360度移动的电动机。
2022-03-14 15:04:48 22.81MB bluetooth radar robotics science
Springer Handbook of Robotics(2nd) 英文epub 第2版 本资源转载自网络,如有侵权,请联系上传者或csdn删除 本资源转载自网络,如有侵权,请联系上传者或csdn删除
2022-03-11 11:06:15 71MB Springer Handbook Robotics